Monday, September 30, 2019

Discipline management Essay

1. Behavioral learning is mainly concerned with what can be ob severed and measured in any human behavior. It is a continuous process where one can learn and unlearn hence children of young ages play a dormant role. The assumptions it makes is that all things that can be seen and observed are real but things like brains cannot be seen. According to Ivan and Thorndike (1913), they argued that behavior is controlled highly by its consequences. They set up an experiment to show how cats can learn how to open a box. This was to be done through trial and error method where by the cat ended up opening the box. This theory developed showed clearly that, people are just like cats and these is how they spontaneously learn. Those behaviors which bring positive consequences are said to reoccur oftenlyoften than those with negative cosequences. This augment is a bit true because human beings learn slowly through practical, experience or theoretical. It shows that all living things are very active and can easily learn regardless of the species type. Ivan (1903), did an innate reflex experiment with a dog. Once they ring a metronome when giving the dog food, the dog responded with saliva. It was noted that, once the metronome rang, the dog could respond regardless of whether there was food or not. This showed that, any animal can learn provided that it is exposed to. 2. In Behavioral learning it is believed that learning is segmented into steps. The final goal is achieved once the learners are guided on how to follow these steps. Problems have always arisen for students who are slow learners for they need some more steps. In cognitive learning it is believed that multitude ways of learning are followed by students. This is because not all students have the same learning processes and also strategies. Some are very efficient while others are inefficient. In cognitive learning the teacher helps the student gain more efficient techniques for studying by discerning the students thoughts. It is only through cognitive learning that one can inquire for the correct answer. This usually helps in discussion especially for a new alternative. Ones experience and personal judgment can be used in making the dicission with the students. Metacognition. Nelson. T. ,(2007). He defined metacognition as monitoring and making prior decisions on a person’s memory strength. He also added that one should be capable of using those decisions to guide learning choices. Flavell (1976), defined metacognition as a self-regulation or self- awareness study. It also means to have personal knowledge on his/her cognitive activities or on anything that touches them. It has the following components: Metacognition knowledge – This is what one knows on himself or herself and others to be cognitive processors. Metacognitive regulation – This is what makes students regulate their learning through a set of tasks after they have controlled their cognition and experiences from learning. Metacognitive experiences – These are the experiences with something regarding cognition endeavor that is presently happening. My metacognition ability is to see and focus on the future happening. Through my experience i can judge what will happen in the next two day. Evaluation of the present events leads me to knowing the future. Fore example, what the whether will be tomorrow. This will not only help me prepare psychologically but also the whole community. 3. Badura’s theory is based on oneself judgment on his performance. It regards the amount of work done over a given time period. One should be in a position to perform well in a given situation. In this case people judge themselves. Here, it defines four areas in which self-efficacy can be obtained. Firstly, through actual experience self-efficacy can be achieved through past experience. Whether one was successful or unsuccessful tell a lot about self-efficacy. Secondly , through looking. Children get learning through watching others performing a similar task. Thirdly, through oral persuasion. This is through encouraging a child to perform to her level best by telling her sweet word of trials. Fourthly, through physiological arousal. Vygotsky’s theory brings to view the social relationships and interactions contributes to cognitive development. It is true that in every child’s growth there are two levels: the social level which comes during the tender age and the individual level. Vygotsk (1976). He also recognises the environment of one’s development. Where one grows in, contributes a lot to one behavior. Implications. †¢ They create an environment of socializing and relationship development. †¢ Identity. It is through these institutions that one is identified and recognized. †¢ Sharing of knowledge. As we think together we grow together. We develop ourselves better when we share knowledge. †¢ Social problems addressing. We try to solve our problems together. Ones problem can be viewed, analyzed and solved as a group. No. It has never happened to me. 4. Physical education and learning strategies which are self-regulated are encourageble in creating a friendly learning environment full of physical and social motivation. In so doing, students will be relieved from class boredom and instead relax as they socialite. Students should also be given freedom to express themselves and their weaknesses. Kounin (1977), discovered that there was always a ripple effect among the student where the behaviour of one student spread quickly to the rest if not corrected quickly. He noted poor class management by teachers due to their poor organization and preparations. He pointed out that, for a good management of a class the following should be clearly observed: 1. Overlapping to avoid conflict ions of a teacher when two or more activities occur simultaneously, the teacher will only be effective if he has a procedure to follow. Fore example, the teacher should move around assisting the needy people while those who are already fit in the class should be given an extra exercise or work. 2. Momentum. A teacher should always make sure that his lectures are short. This will allow mingling of the students with each other and with the teacher too for more knowledge. This will also avoid boredom among the students. He should also make the lecture interesting and meaningful for the learners to comprehend easily. 3. Withitness. Eye contact should be maintained by the teacher to all the learners. In so doing the students will avoid wrong doings while in class. The teacher should be aware of the behavior of each student and more so, know each on a personal perspective. He should appreciate those with good behavior and comment on bad and unacceptable behaviors. To make the students alert he should call each student by his name unexpectedly. 4. Group focus. The lecturer can do this in several ways: (a) Accountability: The teacher should tell the students that they will be awarded marks according to their participation in their respective groups. (b) A list of all the students should be available with the teacher and at any time pick any name at random to answer a question. This will keep them on their toes. (c) Students discussion: The teacher can allow the students to have a discussion after the lecture to compare the answers of each other. 5. (i) Behavioral approach. When a student does well in the class he should be rewarded in order to motivate her. Those with desired behavior should be contingently rewarded. Extrinsic motivation also known as contingent rewards (ii) Human approach. This approach is a bit different from the others in that it emphasizes on determinism rejection. It puts across that human beings have a variety of choices from where they can pick their preference from and they also have responsibilities that they do not admire or require. It is believed that people do intrinsic motivation to themselves hence encouraging their personal growth. They are self-determination in attaining their own fulfillment. (iii) Cognitive approach. It mainly refers to activities that take place in our minds. This may be thinking and language learning. Our understanding rention increases when we learn and understand the concepts of our learning. With this theory, how one behaves is determined by how largely he thinks hence this incorporates all kinds, types and forms of knowing for example, thinking and motivation. It brings competency to person especially when one is capable of interpreting well what he is learning. (iv) Sociocultural approach. In this approach, critical thinking is encouraged. It acknowledges the need for socialization and interactions among people. The more time you participate in community activity the more knowledgeable you become. You become more identified within the community. You earns yourself fame and recognition. From the above explanations, i can recommend the teacher to put in to place behavioral approach for the student. This will not only encourage her to be in class but also alert and attentive. References. Flavell, J. (1979). Metacognition and cognitive motivation: Cognition development. America, v24 p 16 Ivan, R. (1903). Behavioral change and development. Harvard university press. Iva n and Thoendike (1913). Behaviour change. Cambridge. Kounin, J. (1976). Discipline management in class. New Yolk. Nelson, T. (2007). Metacognition. New Yolk. Vigotsk, S. (1983). Minds of the society. Cambridge; Harvard University Press.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Experience Essay

I decided to attend a meeting based first (and almost solely) on convenience of the location. So I decided to attend a meeting right here in Batavia. The â€Å"Batavia 12 & 12† at the Holy Trinity Church down on 6th & Wood St. They hold meeting on Mondays around 11:00am. The main focus is to follow the 12 steps in order and work on them in a more traditional fashion. They do have the big book, but follow it more in a step by step focus. However karma decided to rear its head and make it a Closed Meeting, meaning that it is not as open to the public to sit on and they only allow members who are coming with a problem related to alcohol. So at first I was turned away but, I was lucky enough to know a person (local firefighter) who attends the church, and talked the host into letting me sit in on a meeting. So with the awkwardness of getting into the door out of the way, it was time for the meeting. Obviously due to the location itself, it came as no surprise that the meeting cons isted of roughly around 15-20 people, including the person in charge of the meeting and myself. All the chairs were set up like a classroom. I will be honest; the atmosphere of the meeting was actually much more mono-tone than I was lead to believe. Not that an A.A. meeting is always upbeat or depressing but, it seems like this was a mix between. Some were drinking their coffee, others just sitting and fiddling with their hands. One man however, seemed to be uncomfortable with me. I guessed it was because I was the newcomer to the meeting, and the youngest looking guy in the room. He kept staring at me and glancing at me from his chair at the front. Then the meeting got underway. Everyone started with a sort of, hello and how are you, type of thing. Everyone went around saying their name, how long they have been attending the meetings and, something interesting related to how they have been working on staying sober. One man briefly talked about how he almost broke his sober strike at a local party, another was a bit worried that with Halloween coming up, how he would be able to stay away from temptation. Most everyone see med to have a similar type of intro, which in retrospect would explain for the less than stellar atmosphere. Then the gentlemen who had been staring at me spoke up as they were beginning to discuss the step they were currently working on with their group, Step 6 if I recall. He wished to draw attention as to why I was not called on to speak up, and introduce myself like the rest. Although the host attempted to specify, I decided to take the opportunity to just speak up myself. I explained that I was not here as an alcoholic seeking to get help, but that I was a student at the University up the hill. Immediately he asked what business I had attending this closed meeting and I explained why I was here and my Major of study and the details of the assignment. Everyone else seemed to find the assignment interesting and was ok with my presence; one gentleman welcomed me to this â€Å"enriching† experience. However the aforementioned man obviously did not wish to be, as he put it, â€Å"spied on† by a student. (I say ‘student’ but his wording was a bit ruder) At this point I did not say much more, as everyone else started to try and calm the gentleman down and another pulled him aside, talked to him for a minute, then everyone sat back down and basically continued the meeting at normal. One thing of note, as they began discussing Step 6, o ne thing that was thrown in by some of the attendees, was the concept that God, should be able to help remove not just the defects of character towards oneself, but towards others. To me this meant that one should be able to act nice towards others despite any preconceived notions of flaws. At the end of the meeting, as I was walking out, the same gentleman who seemed to have issues with my presence stopped me as I was out the door and pulled me aside. At first I was prepping myself for some sort of tongue lashing but, instead was greeted with an apology, and he explained that he was having some â€Å"issues with his own sobriety†, that the â€Å"week was just off† for him. I told him I understand, wished him luck with his program and went on my merry way. Overall the meeting was what I expected, on the part of how they discussed God and his involvement of the Steps, and the general behavior of most of the group, as I have come to understand it at least. However, I think from this experience I have gained a crucial piece of information that, although I was aware of it, had no real first hand understanding of it; People fear judgment from those who are designed to judge them. A simple statement, and in many respects obvious but, what I mean is that people tend to fear judgment from those who should not judge them, and expect criticism and judgment rom those who are meant to. Anyone who has succumbed to alcoholism or drug use, knows what to expect from their immediate peers, but I was not expecting how much they would, or in the case of the gentleman I encountered, fear someone who is making a career of judging them. This  experience has helped me better understand why some many in recovery wish for anonymity, or try to get help from people they know, or are quick to stop recovery if they are feeling looked down upon. I can see more clearly now why we as helping professionals must do everything in our power to not put judgment or criticism on those who are in need of help.​

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Motivation and Behavior Essay

Motivation refers to the process that drives an organism to behave the way it does. Simply put motivation causes an organism to eat, sleep, and drink and individuals to participate in the activities they find satisfying. Motivation can separate people into two categories optimist and pessimist. Optimists are those looking for the good in situations and pessimists finding the bad. Motivational sources can be described as extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic is the motivation that comes from outside of the individual. Intrinsic is the motivation of an individual that comes from within. Motivation affects an organism’s behavior. Dr. Whitbourne describes six theories in here article from psychology today; instinct, drive reduction, arousal, incentive, cognitive and self-determination. Motivation As defined by, motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. Motivation is the psychological process that tells humans what to do. A motivation causes humans and other species to drink, eat, play, sleep and reproduce. Without motivation there would be no reason for accomplishing anything. Within the motivation process there are different factors with each individual. Motivation can come in the form of positive motivation and negative motivation. These motivating factors eventually lead to an emotional state within the individual. Generally motivation creates to type of individuals that society recognizes and relates with; optimist and pessimist. Optimistic is disposed to take a favorable view of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome, (â€Å"Optimistic,†2012). These are the individuals who tend to have a positive outlook on life. In most cases these individuals are look for the good in every situation. From, pessimistic is pertaining to or characterized as the tendency to expect the worst and see the worst in all things. Pessimists are those individuals who see the worst in everything . Sources of Motivation Extrinsic/Intrinsic Extrinsic is defined by as, not essential or inherent; being outside a thing; outward or external; operating or coming from without, (Extrinsic, 2012). Extrinsic motivation is simply that, things that motivate from the external. When looking at individuals who have extrinsic motivation, they tend to not enjoy certain activities, (Huitt, 2011). They tend to be a reward based group and need affirmation from an outside source. Throughout society many people can be found to fit this category of motivation. As shown a person who only writes poems to be submitted to poetry contests as well as a person who does not like sales but accepts a sales position for the amount of money he/she will make, (Psychology, n.d.). Intrinsic is defined by as, belonging to a thing by its very nature; of or relating to the essential nature of a thing; inherent, (Intrinsic, 2012). If extrinsic is from the external, the intrinsic is from within the individual. These individuals to things because it please them and they find the activity enjoyable, (Psychology, n.d.). These people are not concerned as much with what the outside world or society thinks. They are motivated from within. An example shows, playing chess because the individual enjoys effortful thinking, and a person reading a non-fiction book because they are curious about the topic, (Psychology, n.d.). Motivation and Behavior From an article written by Susan Drauss Whitbourne, Ph.D. motivation as the cause of behavior is examined. In her article Dr. Whitbourne discuss insights to explain the complexity of behavior. The instinct theory as Dr. Whitbourne refers to it as the biological set instincts that organisms have, (â€Å"Motivation: the why’s of behavior,† 2011). These factors are what tell organisms to do in order to survive, such as the lion hunting the antelope or a flock of geese migrating south for the winter. The second she describes is the drive reduction theory, (â€Å"Motivation: the why’s of behavior,† 2011). This theory talks about organisms and how they will try to just ensure that their needs are met and not look for anything else, (â€Å"Motivation: the why’s of behavior,† 2011). The article goes on to discuss how critics argue that if this theory were true no one would do thinks that were considered risky, (â€Å"Motivation: the why’s of behavior,† 2011). Third Dr. Whitbourne discusses the arousal theory, (â€Å"Motivation: the why’s of behavior,† 2011). Arousal theory is the opposite of drive reduction, (â€Å"Motivation: the why’s of behavior,† 2011). Arousal theory is the motivation which drives individuals to increase their stimulation and seek out things that are exciting and outside just what the individual needs, (â€Å"Motivation: the why’s of behavior,† 2011). Dr. Whitbourne goes on to discuss 3 more theories such as the incentive theory, cognitive theory, and the self-determination theory, (â€Å"Motivation: the why’s of behavior,† 2011).. Summary Motivation is the process that drives individuals to behave the way they do. Individuals are categorized into two, optimist and pessimist. There are multiple sources of motivations that can be describe as either extrinsic or intrinsic. Whatever the source, individuals are either motivated from within or the world around them. In an article written by Dr. Whitbourne, six theories are described which examine the â€Å"why of behavior.† References Extrinsic. (2012). In Retrieved from Huitt, W. (2011). Motivation to learn: An overview.Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved from Intrinsic. (2012). In Retrived from Motivation: the why’s of behavior. (2011, October). Fullfillment at Any Age, (), Retrieved from Optimistic. (2012). In Retrieved from Psychology and society. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Friday, September 27, 2019

Marketing for a Newspaper Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Marketing for a Newspaper Company - Case Study Example From being only a UK based newspaper on its inception, the TIMES has evolved from a period when marketing was unheard to a period when marketing reigns supreme. During all this time, the TIMES has maintained its reputation and has always been a step ahead of its competition. When we see the overall marketing strategy of the TIMES, we see a dynamic force at nature. Over the years, the TIMES has evolved its marketing into many dimensions. When observed closely, the marketing strategy of the TIMES has been focused on the following basic dimensions: The TIMES has in the recent time implemented a strategy that calls for a brand development. Firstly, the paper made it clear through activities like adding its paper on the internet, and launching it in many countries, that it doesn't want to restrain itself to only one particular country. The used the same quality values of their English version, i.e. accurate and reliable news, but they were careful to decentralize their marketing activities specific for each region. They used different names, specifically like New York Times, Times of India etc that showed them devoted to one region. Also the news was selected according to the demographics of the readers. The TIMES a The TIMES also generated a strategy for a global brand name. With the advent of the internet, this task became easy as now it displayed newspapers for many regions but under the specific brand name of the TIMES. In this way each paper maintained individuality as well as common global values. The TIMES has also embarked upon a marketing strategy to make its customers feel more attached with the newspaper. Today TIMES does not stand for only news, but for much more. It has interesting aspects for all the household, like cooking recipes and clothes designs for the women, gadgets and sports paper for the young, comics for the children, business news for the job-related people, and not only local news but world wide as well. The marketing of TIMES has used it as a catch for the paper to be declared as one for the entire household. One of the major challenges for the marketing strategy developers for the TIMES has been to change the perception of the youth about the newspaper. The TIMES has always been seen by the youth as the newspaper for the more serious and elderly people. Even though it contains many interesting aspects for the youth, but the general perception remains the same. For this the TIMES has to create a new image for itself. The newspaper has been employing towards this goal through many aspects. Firstly, by driving more items and captions for the youth, like sports page, jobs page, gadgets page etc. Second, by using the internet to give a whole new look to the paper, making it more animated and interactive for the youth. Lastly, the marketing strategy most into play these days is to make the paper more accessible and glamorous to the readers. Many interactive sections have been added. Like

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Annotated Bibliography - Assignment Example In this book, the author gives information on the latest designs that are used in the aircraft industry. Among the recent materials used are the composite materials which have been highly rated. The author is an associate in the Royal Aeronautical Society, which makes the book have full information on the development of the aircraft industry. The federal aviation gives information on all the acceptable standards of materials used in making aircraft and the manual that can be used by pilots in the course of their working. The federal foundation is a body that controls the aircraft industry with control over a number of issues. This material hives information on how the technology has been improving in using composite materials in making aircraft. The author incepts that there are advantages in the use of the composite materials. The author is the head of strength analysis group. National oceanography centre. (27th June 2006). Composites in aerospoace- case studies. Southampton: National oceanography centre. Retrieved from: With a team of experts, the national oceanography gives the case studies that have been used in making the composite materials a success. The experts have studied the use of the composite materials and how they should be improved in their usage. Edwards T. (September, 2008). Composite material revolutionizes aerospace engineering. New York: Engineering consultancy Atkins. Retrieved from: Edwards gives all the information that is used in making the composite materials used in the aerospace. This information also gives the future of the use of composite materials as the technological improvement of aeronautical engineering. Edwards is a chief structural engineer and has ample information about composite

Hackers Tools and Techniques Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hackers Tools and Techniques - Term Paper Example Hackers gain access to vulnerabilities through tools such as malware and locate the backup of the system. PayPal is a web-based application which provides secure transfer of funds between members. It uses advanced fraud prevention technologies to enhance the security of the transactions (SearchSoa, 2005). Nevertheless, the members do receive spoof mails and unless the members are aware of such mails, they become easy prey to such hacking techniques. While it has become essential to keep tab on the professional hackers, the banks are facing huge losses due to constant evolvement of the hacking tools and techniques. The malicious hacker will use whatever information available to them. The security professionals, in turn, need to keep abreast of the latest hacking tools by monitoring certain websites of researchers (Skoudis, 2003). It is hence proposed to conduct a study into the hacking tools used by the hackers in the banking and financial services industry, with focus on PayPal. The study would also look into the security strategy employed by the sector and particularly by PayPal. SearchSecurity. (2009). Hacker attack techniques and tactics: Understanding hacking strategies. Retrieved September 8, 2010 from

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Critically Assess the Employee Relations Management Style Adopted By Essay

Critically Assess the Employee Relations Management Style Adopted By ACME Engineering - Essay Example 148-149). ACME is a sales and a manufacturing operation. This makes us different from other Japanese plants that have will have just a manufacturing operation. This is one significant organizational difference among ACME and further UK Japanese plants. ACME is an industrialized plant and a selling tool. It's also a declaration of commitment to the long term in Europe. â€Å"Acme components represent computational elements and data stores of a system. ACME’s managerial style included a mechanistic organization† (Garlan et al. n.d., p. 52). Management Style Used by ACME: ACME follows a classical-scientific method to management with autocratic management style. â€Å"Autocratic management style is used when leaders tell their employees what they want done and how they want it accomplished, without getting the advice of their followers. Some of the appropriate conditions to use it are when you have all the information to solve the problem, you are short on time, and your e mployees are well motivated† (Leadership Styles 1997). The autocratic management style leaves no room to workers payment to the running of the industry, and they are treated quite and impersonally; frequently ignored when they suggest developments for the business. Because the classical-scientific technique relies on every member doing their individual task to contribute to the entire business, the high stages of absenteeism signify that work is not getting done; hence the production of the business will suffer. ACME’s vertical separation, which includes of four stages of control, constitutes the distribution of authority among the organizational hierarchy levels and technologies to provide the organization more control than its activities and projects. â€Å"In addition to profit sharing, the executive pay package at Acme should include a stock option plan† (Lawler 2011, p. 248). ACME is extremely centralized. Directors from the top of the class structure have a ll the control to create the majority of the choices for the organization, and subordinates are probable to follow instructions. Even though, I consider that ACME has founded a high level of formalization and standardization, they experienced complicatedness abiding to their own policies. Employees at ACME use individual specialization, where workers concentrate on one particular work and area individually. â€Å"Acme’s top executives were actively looking for managers whose behavior and management philosophy aligned with this new orientation. These efforts reinforced the emphasis on sensitivity to bias and racial stereo types that Bowman had initiated† (Thomas & Gabarro 1999, p. 162). Following are the Managerial Style Structure of ACME. Specialization Type: At ACME, the head retained the single structure of the plant, before it became a divide entity. The managerial structure was well-defined, with high quantity of separation of labor. Each section executed its task separately. Therefore, type of area is individual. Integrating Mechanism: Due to the well-defined, tall ladder of the organization, the basic incorporating mechanism in ACME is Authority. Distribution of Authority: The majority choices were issued from top of the organization down to its lesser levels. Distribution of power was mostly centralized. Standardization of Rules: Most of the works were being done in an already defined method, were orders to create actions which were issued among

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Therapeutic Approaches Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Therapeutic Approaches Paper - Assignment Example The therapeutic relationship was established so as to create a means by which the health professions and the respective patient come get into a one on one conversation so as to archive effective beneficial changes to the respective patient (Bowie 1996). Therapeutic approach communications are mostly applicable in mental health centers and it is conducted by mental professionals who have a common purpose of solving emotional conflicts that that happen through the mind of the respective patients. Therapeutic relationship assurers the patients at hand of enough security in the information they give to the healthcare professionals. This enhances them to open up and give the accurate information about what is making them to have the emotional conflicts and thus getting the appropriate treatment. Therapeutic relationship was established after some major researches were conducted and it was scientifically proved that it really aided the health care professionals to foresee the appropriate d iagnosis and treatment that the patient required to cure the particular disease that he or she was suffering from (Gel so 1998). Rogers developed a therapeutic relationship model that was aimed at providing the respective patients with a chance of them understanding how their particular attitudes and feelings are being affected by their emotional conflicts and the appropriate treatment required to solve these problems is that the patients should achieve their full positive potential. Rogers discovered a number of conditions that that was essential to enhance effective changes to the client's personality. Some of these conditions include genuine of both the heath care therapist and the respective patient, professionalism of the health care therapist in his work, the patient openness to the healthcare therapist and many others. Rogers was focused on developing a therapeutic relationship model that will ensure that both the patients and the health care therapist were both involved in s olving the patient’s emotional conflicts (Gel so 1998). A health care professional is one who is able to put himself or herself in the shoes of the respective patient that they are attending and avoid any circumstances of being judgmental. The health care professionals should have a sympathetic and empathetic attitude towards their particular patients and this will enhance them to get familiar with the personality, feelings and so many other factors that relate to their patients. The health care professionals who conduct the therapeutic relationship posse’s very good communication skills which one of them is listening. An effective communication process occurs between two individuals. It is a two process and hence the two involved parties should give each other time to speak and listen (Forchuk, Westwel, and Hux 2000). The therapeutic health care professional has understood this communication skill and they are employing it professionally their day to day work. Every i ndividual desires to be heard as they speak in all circumstances and if by any chance the therapeutic health care professionals lack this special communicating skill then they end up not meeting the expectations of their patients (Steve 2000). Effective therapeutic communication also involves use nonverbal communication such

Monday, September 23, 2019

Poverty in Guatemala Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Poverty in Guatemala - Essay Example In 2012, only eleven point percent of the taxes reached the Central Bank. Of the 215 countries ranked in the CIA World Fact Book, the collected GDO is at position two hundred and four. However, the problem does not have any relations with too low value-added tax or income, but the inefficiency from government authorities and corrupt public servants. Now that majority of the population surive in informal economy makes it easy for the tax collector to hide behind little collection. The informal sector means that a bigger proportion of the population does not have formal businesses and formal jobs therefore; they do not operate with registered licences. Based on this, the tax authorities cannot levy taxes on them. Registered businesses also have the tendency of evading tax adding to the complication. Comparatively, Honduras, an immediate neighbour to Guatemala spends 15.8% of the GDP after collection, Kenya; a country in Africa collects and spends 18.4 % of its GDP, and Germany, an economic powerhouse spends 40.6% of the GDP (Zakaria 36). In other case studies, Mexico spends 29.7%, South Africa 26. 8%, Costa Rica 21%, and Canada 32.3% of its GDP. Data collected from economic sources shows a hitherto correlation (positive) between the proportion of GDP channelled through government spending and the standards of living of a country. Good public services and infrastructure explain factors behind established business activity. Senior economists from the World Bank hold that the economy of Guatemala continues to with typical support from private consumption. However, they also hold that the rate of investment is on a steady decline with little progress in the rate of productivity. Normally, lack of or minimal productivity affects the incomes for workers negatively. The growth rate of the country’s GDP is less impressive taking into account demographic trends of the country. While the population continues to grow at an average of 1.9%, the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Effects of U.S. Policy in the Middle East Essay Example for Free

Effects of U.S. Policy in the Middle East Essay The end of World War II was a mark and a start of a new era for mankind and the inhabitants of this planet. It completely changed the way of life of the people as well as the relationship between states. In the process of establishment of new world order where US emerged as the authoritarian state due to its strong position in the world post world war, every state either parted or joined alliances with the US. Every state has witnessed the mass destruction caused by the nuclear attack from the US on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, thus, that helped the US to establish itself completely as the super power of the world and since then its foreign policy has not been limited and spread to states even way far away to Vietnam or now even in the Europe where the Missile Shield program has already ignited yet another cold war scenario between the US and Russia. (Light Groom, 1985) The aim of this paper is to present the research carried out on the effect of the U. S. foreign policies and actions in the Middle East. The paper focuses specifically on the geographical politics as well as provides a general analysis of the different changes brought about by the policies adopted by the U. S. lobby. History Revisited With the culmination of World War there was a need to reestablish the Jews unsettled in Europe and settle them in an area where ideologically they will feel at home. This place could only be the legendary and prophesized Biblical area in the east of Mediterranean inhabited by Palestinians. During the World Wars it was also observed that Muslims supported Germans and they also needed to be properly â€Å"sized up†. (Levinson, 2008) Therefore based on historical evidences that there existed Jewish state in the area and holy scriptures have prophesized the reemergence of a Jewish state the whole theory was crafted and drafted in a way that an ideological Jewish state could emerge on world map. As outlined above US emerged the sole international force and it was backed by another so-called super power Russia in the creation of a Jewish state in the name of Israel. The state was promptly recognized by international comity of nations. Back in US the authors of Israeli nation know in their heart that the area is surrounded by Arabs who are all divided on the basis of their geographical locations and also the fact that the Saudi Arabia was crafted by Britishers, and as such though being large in area they would not go against the creation of Israel. (Ries, 2003) The divide and rule policy for Muslims paid dividends and initially their reaction were not so strong that it could create ripples in the US policy. US started fully supporting the Israel in all respects i. e. economically, armaments, political. The powerful Jewish lobby which started dominating the US politics after World War as majority of intellectual prisoners were Jewish who wholeheartedly supported US to buy freedom and also work towards a cause. Slowly the US foreign policy the authors, major authors for which were Jews started revolving to a single point that Israel must remain in existence and all those who are against the existence if Israel must pay the price. On the other hand slowly US policy also started reflecting factor i. e. back door diplomacy to soften the stand on Israel by the Arab hardliners. These needed twisting arms by creating an image of Israel in which it was proved that it is simply a might which has to be seen with fright. The Arab- Israel wars were all proving factors that Israel army is invincible. (Altunisik, Spring 2005) Over passage of time Arab rivalries were cultivated to fortify Israel and one of the most important cases was of Iraq. Saudis were supplied with AWACS for surveillance of Saudi Arabia and it was an irony that Israeli planes flew over its air space for hours both to and fro and went into Iraq, raided the Iraqi nuclear plant and they were not detected by any surveillance machinery. (Levinson, 2008) This was partly a success story of US foreign policy in which Saudis were directed to be careful about Iran but feel no threat from Israel. Critical Analysis These entire years the Jewish lobby in US was economically getting stronger and their presence in the world economic scene was absolutely critical as the world started becoming a global village and the dependency on business started getting more and more. The indulgence of business community in political fund raising became a swaying factor for all the presidents of United States and also other countries. Elections became a business venture which need to be funded and the funds could come from business community – the result was dictating the policies by businesses. Since the election campaigns in US are the costliest in the world therefore more indulgence of business community about their terms for financing the event. That is why we see that over the years the US government shave started looking towards Israel as an integral part of its foreign, economic and armament policy and Israel’s violations of human rights and violations of agreements with Palestinians are ignored or brushed aside. (Levinson, 2008) The causes of unrest in the Middle East are historical, religious, economic and geo-political. Ancient history and ancient civilizations can serve as a framework for understanding some of the existing enmity. Iranians and the Iraqis have been fighting for more than 3,000 years. However, the current unrest in the Middle East is the result of Western ethno centrism and colonialism (covert and overt), combined with religious and sectarian conflicts. The impact of US interference in the Middle East cannot be overstated. (Hafez Kenny, 2000) Indeed, the term â€Å"Middle East† is an artificial term that has no meaning except in the context of its geographical relationship to Europe. The most active period of Western interference in the Middle East was after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and up to the present time, although there were substantial economic, military, and political interests in the Middle East for the previous two hundred years. Prior to World War I the primary interest of the Western powers in the Middle East was geo-political, mostly concerned with shipping lanes Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Suez Canal and Red Sea for military and economic gain. Following World War I, the primary interest of the US in the Middle East became oil, although Great Britain was already actively involved in the exploitation of Iranian oil as early as 1908 (Bostock, 2008). The possibility of large deposits of oil in Iraq had already been recognized prior to World War I (Siegman, 2008). Thus, the partitioning of the areas that had made up the Ottoman Empire and German colonial holdings, including Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon and Syria, following World War I had the smell of oil around it. Great Britain and France, with the support of the USA, used the League of Nations to obtain mandates, colonial power, over most of the Middle East. Unfortunately, along with the exploitation of oil came the oppression of the people of the Middle East, the results of which are evident today in the lack of democratic governments in the area. Each time a country tried to become a democracy, the implied threat of the possibility of oil being withheld from the military machines of the Western powers led to the destruction of the democratic elements and to the installation of kings and dictators that served the interests of Great Britain, France and the USA (Linklater, 2000). The distortions in policy are evident from the fact that on the one hand Israel is allowed to produce arms, become nuclear and amass weapons but this is not allowed to Iraq and rather the whole Iraqi government was invaded, toppled and destructed by US. Then enters a new dimension in the international and US foreign policies all led by US. This is the Iranians toppling the Shah of Iran and creation of an Islamic Iranian state led by Ayatollah Khomeini. Initially it was felt that with the passage of time the Iranians will be looking towards Shah for finishing the Islamic rulers. However the myth soon lost its charm as over a period of time the Islamic Iran became consolidated and their presence also started motivating the masses of other neighboring countries (Levinson, 2008). US soon realized this situation and attempts were made mobilize uprisings, than economically cripple Iran and finally direct overthrow of government. All these attempts failed. Iranian government started benefitting from these failures rather capitalized all these towards their consolidation as they started mobilizing public opinions through two slogans â€Å"Death to Israel† and â€Å"America the great Satan†. These slogans were infused into the new generations by making the Tehran University as the main hub of all demonstrations and activities. The only way left was to impose economic sanctions on Iran. US led sanctions isolated Iran but being an oil exporter it was able to circumvent the sanctions (Altunisik, Spring 2005). The hatred increased with the passage of time and Iran became more vocal against Israel as it believes that US policy was dictated by Israel and Israel should be wiped of the globe. The Iranians in order to prove their ideological war against these two counties started supporting Palestinian faction Hamas openly at war with Israel and also supported Syria and its allies in Lebanon who are against Israel (Siegman, 2008). The Iranian diplomatic moves were all against the US stand on Israel and there is a great danger that if the Iranians succeed in their diplomacy and their support makes Syria and Lebanon politically and militarily strong than there is all the likelihood that other nations in the neighborhood would soon be pressurized by their people to follow suit (Frankel, 1969). This dilemma in the US policies is a thaw which needs to be taken care of as the war between Hezbollah and Israel broke the myths about the Israeli militarily might and this is an alarming situation for the architects of US foreign policy. This situation was partially addressed by Mr. Bush who declared Iran as part of â€Å"evil nexus† and also declaring Iran as a country aspiring to become nuclear state militarily. As detailed above the US policy is primarily focused on Israel to be recognized by its neighbors as a formal independent nation and above all its might should also be accepted by them. As it was also state above that back door diplomacy was also used in the region to achieve the above objectives

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Capacity Planning And Timing Strategy Business Essay

Capacity Planning And Timing Strategy Business Essay This report discusses a case study on capacity planning and facility location at Georgia Pacific a company that has undergone growth. The case study illustrate the importance of growth and its linkage to the environment. The report first start with defining the capacity planning and control then looks at capacity-timing strategy Georgia Pacific uses and the factors that influence this strategy. Then looks at major factors that it used to make its capacity expansion decision and what other factors might the company have considered. The report then further explain the technique Georgia Pacific used to make its facility location decision and what other facility factors might the company have considered. Also the report looks at how environmental considerations affect capacity planning and facility location at Georgia Pacific and lastly in my own opinion explain if Georgia pacific has made the correct capacity planning and facility location. Finally the report concludes with Georgia paci fic production style, the manner in which the company operates as a team, its environmental consideration and decision making process. Definition on capacity planning In operations management, capacity is referred as an amount of the input resources available to produce relative output over period of time.(citation) Strategic capacity planning is important in an organisation mainly because its facilitate the organisation to meet its future requirements. Planning guarantee that operation cost are kept at a minimum level without affecting the quality, it also guarantee that organisation remain viable to attain its long-term plan for expansion Capacity planning and timing strategy Long range capacity planning and control primarily depends on a range of factors and some of the factors Georgia-Pacific used base on the on changes in capacity are Market conditions: The timing of the market and making a decision base on the market gives the organisation a competitive edge as well as an increase in market share. Georgia-Pacific have used these strategy to increased its production capacity base on the changes in the market, as the market grew production was increased so as to meet the demand. Technology: The change in the technology means organisation, required fewer resource to operate its production and therefore this means that with the advance technology Georgia-Pacific can increase its production ability with only slight equipment changes. Equipment: So to achieve a large increases in production capacity, Georgia-Pacific use improving the already existing equipment, or set up new equipment, The major factors that influence the buying of sawmill is because of the strategic location of the sawmill and since the capacity of the sawmill was restricted in 1970 when it was first built buying it 1987 and expanding the operation such as adding drying kilns, a planner mill for finishing on site and a warehouse for storing the finish lumber to improved production capacity and the fact that the plant has the basic equipment and the has company owned forests in the area were more economically viable. Factors deciding the expansion The timing in making a decision to expand a business is vital, as you need to carefully study the fiscal benefits of such expansion such as assessing having the cash for the investment to cater for the additional inventory, new facilities or equipment. At Georgia-Pacific the various factors considered in deciding whether to buy and expand the sawmill in Florida for example are Market conditions: Florida has an excellent market condition such as the speedy growth of population and the boom in home construction because of these strategic position of the location of Florida gave Georgia-Pacific an edge over their competitors Raw materials à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Georgia also considered this site because it own forest in the area that also had other position of privately owned timber. Environment- That the other major factors to consider was legislation and government policies regarding the environment Georgia Pacific considered this factor and assessed the environmental regulation of Florida and find out that Florida has more strict environmental regulations that make it hard to build a new plant than to acquire an existing plant. Economics- This is a major factor to considers when planning for capacity expansion as this affect the economic viability of the organization. Georgia pacific has considered this factor by analysing the return on investment when acquiring facilities and found out that acquiring and expanding was much easier and economically viable that building new facilities. Labor à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ The availability of labor both skill and unskilled is very important when considering making a decision for capacity expansion. As for Georgia pacific the nearby facility mean that the sawmill could draw some trained personnel. Equipment à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ As for a long term capacity expansion the availability of equipment to carry the operation is a major factor to consider. For Georgia pacific the already existing sawmill had the vital required equipment and facilities such a functioning road system, a nearby rail road spur, and electricity facilities. Overall at Georgia pacific acquisition of the sawmill offered exceptional potential for capacity expansion and the sawmill was expanded in 1998 hence greatly contributed to the success of the Georgia pacific. What other factors might the company have considered Other factors include Facilities location decision The decision on where to locate facilities is the most important factors in capacity planning and its where the success of the company depends. Facility location involves organisation seeking to locate, relocate or expand their operation, the decision process encompasses the identification, analysis and evaluation of a selection among alternative, Since at Georgia Pacific facility location mostly involves long term commitment of resources the decision on where to locate facilities are mainly affected by several factors such as financial, capacity and technology as well as political, economic and social.. However in the case study at Georgia pacific corp. the main focus of consideration are raw material, market condition labor force, government regulation and policies and finally energy utilities Market condition- Georgia pacific asses the market condition by serving so as know the demand and place the product close to the location. Raw materials- Georgia pacific review the availability of raw so to have adequate supply of locally available raw materials at a low price Government regulation- Georgia pacific choose where the state and local government welcome companies by looking at factors where they have relax tax and environmental policies as well as attitude of the local towards industry such as florida Labor- Georgia pacific have assessed the availability of local work force that can be easily train Utilities- Georgia pacific have considered the availabilities of all utilities necessary such as such as water, electricity and natural gas. Other factors that Georgia pacific could have also consider could be the availability of less expensive land with a bigger space as well as land with quality and efficiency facilities such as such as roads, bridges, water and sewer systems, airport and cargo facilities, energy systems, and telecommunications. Also there other crucial factor that George pacific could consider could be the cost of transportation in terms moving the product as well as the supply cost. For example proximity to supplier can be excellent for JIT production as it improves performance of deliveries and reduces inventory as well as reducing cost. Environmental consideration In general environmental consideration is part of capacity planning and facility location. It was paramount that Georgia Pacific makes itself environmental friendly. Since Georgia pacific depends on timber as a natural resource, they need to assess location where environmental policies are either relax or less strict. For example Georgia Pacific had to buy the sawmill in Florida with strict environmental rules that makes it more difficult to build a new facility. In order to reduce pollution caused by transportation Georgia pacific corp. have considered locating the material close to the site by expanding operation such as adding drying kilns, a planner mill for finishing and a warehouse for storing the finish lumber on site. also choosing municipal sewage disposal system on site at skippers site ,also the skipper was near an excellent timber base and a nearby resin plant that uses the residuals Opinion on Georgia Pacific It is believe that Georgia Pacific has made the correct capacity planning and facility location since all consideration were carefully analyses and decision made base on the out came. The main emphasis was the market condition and the raw materials. The market condition was important because it focuses on the product demand, equally the availability and the location of raw materials so as to reduce the cost of transportation as well and meet the demand of the government or state environmental policy on industries all the factor discuss above were carefully consider by Georgia pacific corp. hence execute a well plan capacity planning and facility location. Conclusion In the case study it looks like at Georgia Pacific the emphasis is on growth, and so capacity increase and acquisition is a way of life. It assesses possible increase of capacity by working as a team to solicit suggestion and obtaining information and use a check list for major factors such as deciding on market demand, technology equipment and labor. Also since the company depends on timber as a natural resource environmental consideration is equally important. All of the above factors are very important part and parceled in decision making on capacity planning and facility location. The factors listed on this report are very crucial when making capacity decisions. Capacity planning is a very important aspect in manufacturing companies, as it to do with meeting the customers demand. They also have a long term impact. Capacity also determines the selection of appropriate technology, type of labour and equipments. The right capacity ensures economically viable business

Friday, September 20, 2019

Tourism Tech and Innovation Preliminary Report

Tourism Tech and Innovation Preliminary Report Tourism Tech and Innovation Preliminary Report This tourism tech and innovation preliminary report is about Top Shots Fun Park in Sunshine Coast in Australia. This is considered to be a full fledge package for family entertainment and serves as an attraction to a large population. The amusement Park has many different activities and individuals can choose from a variety of different games and activities that are available there. The Park has indoor rock climbing, 18 hole minigolf courses, turn and spin, cannon ball blaster and various other activities for lovers of water sports. There are many arcade games which are operated through coins. In addition to this, there is also a fast food cafà © on site to cater to the needs of individuals who feel hungry during their visit. Moreover, there are a variety of different packages that can be chosen from if someone wants to book a party place for young kids. Innovation refers to applying new and novel solutions in order to be able to meet challenges in a better manner so as to cater to the existing market needs. The scientific field related to innovation has introduced the concept of technological innovation in order to provide an explanation of the rate and nature of innovation due to technological change (Ryan, 2013). Therefore, a dynamic network which consists of various agents who interact together for making greater utilization of technology along with its diffusion and generation is known as the technological innovation system. The new wave of technological innovation focuses on using social networking services in order to better help businesses in reaching their target market and increasing their customer base. The use of social networking services is growing in use and it can prove to be helpful for Top Shots Fun Park. Top Shots Fun Park has many attractive activities and has a good website to provide information about the business. The website is quite detailed and gives information regarding the opening and closing times of the Park and information about different rides and their prices also. However, the business could possibly make use of more social networking services to enhance its service level and make the business better. This would in turn lead to an increase in turnover for the business as the message would reach a larger audience and more people will visit the Park on a regular basis. A social networking service primarily provides a platform which helps in building social relations and social networks among individuals who are involved in the activities of the business or have real life connections with the business. There are many services that come under social networking which include platforms like Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, smartphone applications, email marketing, online live chat, social media advertising and promotions (Hoult, 2012). Top Shots Fun Park is already making use of promotions to make their business better and to increase their clientele. The website of the company provides information related to free gift vouchers and discount vouchers which can be availed under certain conditions. The prime purpose of using this technique is to attract more customers to visit the Park which would lead to an increase in revenue for the company. The company can also make use of promotion by giving surprise gifts to visitors or giving gift hampers on the purchase of a certain amount of tickets from the Park. Moreover, promotional campaigns can be held on different days of the week to attract more people to visit the Park during those days. These promotional campaigns can include various activities that might be of interest to the target market for the company (King, 2013). Social media platforms like twitter, LinkedIn and blogs can also be used for advertising the business and creating awareness about it in the market. The company should have an individual twitter page where all updates should be tweeted in a timely manner. The twitter updates should also inform followers about the latest promotions that are being offered at the Park and must also advertise any new or existing rides or activities (King, 2013). Top Shots Fun Park should also host an individual LinkedIn profile where professionals can directly contact for information and other services. Additionally, the company should start a new blog of their own which would cover the promotional campaigns that are being run in the Park as well as any changes in prices or additions to activities or rides in the Park. One of the best strategies that the company can use to make its services better is development of smartphone applications to supplement the activities and games found in the Park already. For instance, the 18 hole minigolf game that is found in the Park could be transformed into a game that can be downloaded in the form of an application in a smartphone. Once people start getting addicted to the game in their smartphone, the likelihood of them visiting the Park to play it in real will also increase. Smart phone applications can also be developed for the purpose of catering to users of the application who can keep a track of all the updates regarding the Park. This application could provide notification related to latest promotional campaigns and latest activities that are going on in the Park (Timonthy, 2010). In addition to this, the application should also allow users to make advance bookings using the application by signing into their member account which would be provided within the smart phone application (King, 2013). However, there are also some disadvantages to using smart phone application by the business. Firstly, the development of the application will cost the company a lot and this initial investment on developing the application will require a high budget but the benefits gained from it will eventually outweigh the cost. Secondly, individuals who do not use smart phones will not have access to the services provided through this new smart phone application. Another important way of using social networking services to bring an improvement to the business is through the use of email marketing. The company can make use of email marketing in order to advertise their existing services and making customers aware about the upcoming activities and promotions that the customers can avail. This email marketing would be done by initially using market segmentation. The segment of the market that the company is trying to cater to will be targeted accordingly and email marketing campaign will be designed in order to cater to their tailored needs (Ryan, 2013). The success of any business depends on after sales service. The Top Shots Fun Park should make use of this technique in their business also. There should be online hand held terminals installed at the exit of the premises along with a counter where customers would be required to digitally submit their feedback about the Park and the services provided along with any suggestions that they would like to make in order to make the quality of services and products better. The feedback should then be recorded in the online database which would be reviewed and amendments must be made accordingly (Smith, 2013). It is also highly important to have online live chat. This is something that the company website lacks. There should ideally be one section on the main page of the company website which would allow the users to reach live support with the help of using online live chat. The purpose of having this service for the customers is to provide the customers with convenience for getting information and proceeding with any queries that they might have (Ryan, 2013). Social media advertising campaigns should also be used to increase awareness about the amusement Park and create a strong level of brand loyalty in existing customers. There are various types of social media advertising which can be used. This includes advertising on Facebook, twitter and various other social media networking platforms to reach the targeted audience in a better manner. Hosting social media events can also help the business grow by keeping the fans of the business engaged in online activities related to the company. The company should keep weekly quizzes on social media and distribute gift hampers to winners of the game or activity that the social media event is all about. To conclude, it can be said that Top Shotss Fun Park is doing quite well and has a large amount of clientele that is attracted to the activities for family entertainment that are provided at the Park. However, there is always room for improvement and the business can make use of various social networking services in order to provide better services and products to the consumers and also improve the working of the business as a whole. References Hoult, K. (2012). Strategic planning and social media marketing. Social Media Conference, WWU. King, C. (2013). 16 social media marketing tips. Retrieved 23rd March, 2014 from Top Shots Fun Park. (2014). Retrieved 23rd March, 2014 from Ryan, F. (2013). Growing importance of technology and social networking services. New York Times. Smith, T. (2013). 40 ideas for your 2013 social media marketing plan. Exact Target Marketing Cloud Timonthy, R. (2010). Impact of smart phones on business. Journal of Marketing

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Analysis of A Light In The Forest by Conrad Richter Essay -- A Light i

Analysis of A Light In The Forest by Conrad Richter A Light In The Forest by Conrad Richter is an amazing story of one Indian boy's will to survive and struggle to overcome many obstacles. A light in the forest is about a white boy who was kidnapped from his family by Indians when he was 4 years old. An Indian couple from the tribe adopted him and raised him as their own son naming him Lenni Quis or True Son. They taught him the religion and customs of the Indian people and he came to live by these customs and to love his new family. But then 11 years later, the white men came back to reclaim all of the people the Indians kidnapped, even if they didn't want to come back to with the white people. True son was forced to come back to his white family very much against his wishes. This is the story of True son and his battle to get back to his Indian family. This is also the story of his family's reaction to their son who was taken from them and is now returned very different than when he left them 11 years earlier. The biggest question that was raised for me when I was reading this book, was who is your real family, the people who are your blood relatives, or the people who raised you and loved you for many years. While I was reading this book, I was wondering why the white people were so set on bringing True Son back to the "white land." It was obvious he wasn't being harmed and wanted to stay with his Indian mother and father. I think they should have just left him with his Indian mother and father. I think that by True son rebelling against his White mother and father, he was showing that he didn't want to stay with them and that he should be able to choose his own destiny. If his white mother and fat... ... and weak while the Indian people are wild, free, strong, and independent. I think that the title "A Light In The Forest" means that True Son is a special person hidden away in the forest. That even though the white people think that the Indians are savages, they are really quite civil and raised this boy as their own, always treating him well. He is a success story. The title doesn't tell much about the story, but when you first read the title you know that it is probably about a forest and something in that forest. I think that there could have been better names for the story, like ones that related the book to Indians or a lost boy found. The name a Light In The Forest doesn't tell as much about the book as it could, but it is a good title because it leaves the reader wondering what that light is, and it makes the reader curious to read the book.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Lincoln Electric Case Study :: GCSE Business Management BTEC Coursework

Lincoln Electric Case Study The Lincoln Electric Company is the world’s largest manufacturer of arc welding products and a leading producer of industrial electric motors. Their key competency is achieving higher worker productivity. Every year the company has seen high profits and bonuses. Employee morale and productivity remains very good and employees are very loyal to the company. The company also puts customers goals as top priority. Organization Structure This is a very organic organization. They do not have a formal organization chart in this company because they want to ensure maximum flexibility. They have an open-door policy in which employees take problems to the people that are most capable of solving them. Routine supervision is almost nonexistent. Lincoln has a fairly flat organization in which there are usually two or three levels of supervision between production workers and the president. Employees are evaluated on quality, dependability, ideas and cooperation, and output. They also have great job security, while also being able to participate in decision-making. Problem identification Lincoln Electric does not really seem to have any big problems in their current operations while working under an organic structure, but one problem seems to be the lack of attention that the stockholders get. At Lincoln, the stockholders are given last priority. The whole philosophy behind this is that they think that it will be more profitable than investing money in any other way. Alternatives considered Alternatives for this company is to work towards making some of their activities mechanistic while keeping some functions organic. The other alternative is to keep the company going as is with no change. If there is no problem to be fixed, than don’t try fixing it, since it will result in more problems. Once some Harvard Business School researchers made up an organization chart for the company and the management felt that it had a disruptive effect. One big item that they want to consider is to pay a little more attention to the stockholders, which are financing the company. Alternatives selected and rationale The alternative selected is to keep the company going like it is with the organic structure.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Enduring Pak-China Relations Essay

During Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani’s visit to China, there have been speculations that he undertook this ‘emergency’ trip in the aftermath of Osama bin Laden’s killing in Abbottabad by US forces. Nothing could be further from the truth. During the visit, the Chinese leadership assured Pakistan of their full support in its hour of need. Prime Minister Wen Jiabao informed Pakistan that China had urged the US to respect Pakistan’s sovereignty. In addition to agreements on banking, technical and economic cooperation, China agreed to expedite the delivery of 50 J-17F Thunder fighter jets to Pakistan. This has provoked some American Congressmen to interpret it as Pakistan’s leaning on China to countervail pressure from Washington. Contrary to speculations, this visit was not prompted by the Abbottabad incident. It was planned much before and was part of the ongoing Pak-China strategic relations. Also, 2011 marks the 60th anniversary of the Pak-China relationship and has been designated as the year of friendship between the two countries, which was reflected in the celebrations and extraordinarily warm welcome extended to Pakistan’s prime minister in China. Therefore, to suggest that the visit was organised on the spur of the moment is misleading. Pakistan and China have a longstanding relationship, especially since 1962, when China and India went to war over a disputed border. The Chinese have been steadfast friends and have supported Pakistan through thick and thin. China’s interest lies in a stable and prosperous Pakistan. They have been very generous in sharing their development and progress in the economic and technical fields and have aided Pakistan in every possible manner. Therefore, the visit of Prime Minister Gilani should not be considered as reactive. Pakistan is a sovereign country (despite challenges) and has the right to choose its friends and explore options for positive relationships other than the US. Pakistan is not bound to have a one-track relationship with the world through the US. The US raid in Abbottabad created a perception that Pakistan’s air force is weak and compromised, prompting India to remark that it could carry out similar attacks on jihadi outfits in Pakistan. Like a true friend, the Chinese have agreed to speed up the production and delivery of 50 JF-17 Thunder aircraft for Pakistan. This has not only sent a clear signal to the world that China stands by Pakistan but will actually strengthen our air defense against any such misadventure. Gwadar port: China has a keen interest that Pakistan’s vision to become a trade and energy corridor, which links Central Asia, Russia and China with the warm waters of the Arabian Sea should become a reality. If the Gwadar Port develops and is linked with rail and road infrastructure, China’s interests will also be served. Compared to shipping from the eastern seaports, trade through Pakistan will tremendously ease trade for China. China wants to develop its relatively undeveloped interior western regions. The best way to achieve this is to provide an outlet for the region through Gwadar. The Chinese have agreed to take over the operation of Gwadar Port after the contract with the Singapore Port Authority expires in anticipation of this dream becoming a reality. China has stakes in a developed and prosperous Pakistan and is ready to help it grow. Is Pakistan ready to avail this opportunity and develop the capacity to take advantage of Chinese generosity? SECOND EDITORIAL: Attack on US Consulate staff Another day, another attack. An improvised explosive device (IED) struck two bulletproof Land Cruisers of the US Consulate staff in Peshawar on Friday, injuring 11 people and killing one passerby. Two consulate personnel suffered minor injuries in this first attack on US diplomats after the operation that killed Osama bin Laden. This comes in a sequence of similar attacks that have been taking place throughout the country since al Qaeda’s leader was killed, including against Saudi personnel in their Karachi consulate. It is feared that this is just the beginning as the extremists might be getting warmed up to fulfil their pledge of revenge against Pakistan, the US and other countries that had a part to play in bin Laden’s death. Other NATO countries too are on the terrorists’ hit list. The Taliban have claimed responsibility for the Peshawar attack and have declared it retribution for bin Laden’s death at the hands of US Navy SEALs. When such a red alert situation exists in the country, it is shameful that adequate security measures are still lacking to prevent such attacks from taking place. Just as Osama was a high value target for the US, likewise, US, European, Saudi and even Pakistani citizens are high-value targets for the militants. To have foreign and our own citizens under threat on our shores and to be woefully unequipped to protect them is pathetic, to say the least. It is almost as if the security forces in Pakistan are too de-motivated in the face of a murky, bloodthirsty enemy. The area where this latest attack took place, University Town, is considered to be one of the more posh residential locations in Peshawar. It is a community where foreigners usually live. For a militant onslaught to take place there shows that even the most well-off of places is unsafe, what to say of the rest of the country. The security and law enforcement agencies have to get their act together. Our intelligence establishment cannot afford to fall asleep (again?) in the wake of the bin Laden episode and our police and security forces need better methods of detection and prevention. Arrangements must be made to better police the streets and allow citizens, whether international or local, to move about without incurring the risk of being blown to bits. * Home | Editorial

Monday, September 16, 2019

Beech-Nut Nutrition Corporation Essay

Beech-Nuttagum’s roots go back to 1891, to the Mohawk Valley town of Canajoharie, New York. It was founded there by Walter H Lipe, his brother and 2 friends (see company web site for more specific info). as The Imperial Packing Company; its first product was Beech-Nuttagum ham based on an old Lipe family recipe. Ham and bacon were the company’s main products for its first seven years. The company was incorporated as the Beech-Nuttagum Packing Company in 1899. In 1900, the company’s sales were $200,000. Engineers from Beech-Nut patented the first vacuum jar with a design that included a gasket and top that became a standard of the industry and could remain intact in transit. During the first 25 years of the 20th century, the company expanded its product line into peanut butter, jam, pork and beans, ketchup, chili sauce, mustard, spaghetti, macaroni, marmalade, caramel, fruit drops, mints, chewing gum, and coffee. [edit] Timeline * 1891, founded as The Imperial Packing Company. * 1931, Life Savers Limited acquired Beech-Nut. * 1968, Beech Nut-Life Savers merged with Squibb (part of the Olin Corporation) to form the Squibb Beech-Nut Corporation. * 1973, part of the company, selling only baby food, was sold to a group led by lawyer Frank C. Nicholas. * 1977, Beech-Nut Food Corporation became the first baby food company to have an entire product line without added salt. * 1979 Nicolas sold the company to Nestlà ©. * 1987, Beech-Nut Nutrition Corporation paid $2.2 million, then the largest fine issued, for violating the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act by selling artificially flavored sugar water as apple juice. John F. Lavery, the company’s vice president for operations was convicted in criminal court and sentenced to a year and a day in jail; Niels L. Hoyvald, the president of the company, also convicted, served six months of community service. Each of them also paid a $100,000 fine.[1] * 1989 Ralston Purina acquired Beech-Nut from Nestlà ©. * 1997, all Beech-Nut products now free of added refined sugar. * 1998, Milnot Holding Corporation, one of the portfolio of companies owned by the private equity investment firm Madison Dearborn Partners, acquired Beech-Nut from Ralcorp Holdings (a spin-off of Ralston Purina). * 2002, Beech-Nut became the first baby food manufacturer to produce a line of baby food with DHA and ARA, two essential fatty acids found naturally in breast milk. * 2005, Madison Dearborn sold Milnot, and Beech-Nut along with it, to the Swiss branded consumer-goods firm Hero Group.[1] * 2007, Beech-Nut announced its intentions to move all of its manufacturing and corporate operations to Florida, New York by fall 2009.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Tda 2.9

Support Children and Young People’s Positive Behaviour 1. 1 Describe the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour ————————————————- ————————————————- Policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting positive behaviour, eg: ————————————————- †¢ behaviour policy ————————————————- †¢ code of conduct ————————————————- rewards and sanctio ns ————————————————- †¢ dealing with conflict and inappropriate behaviour ————————————————- †¢ anti-bullying ————————————————- †¢ attendance 1. 2 Describe, with examples, the importance of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people’s behaviour in accordance with the policies and procedures of the setting ————————————————- ————————————————-It is crucial for all s taff to be consistent as then the children know exactly what is expected of them each time they come to the child minders. It also really helps that if the rules we put into place at the child minders are then, if not already done, are put into place at home, as then this will help children to be less confused and only have one set of rules, which is why at this stage it is essential for consistency. Once the child is older it may also be helpful if the child is involved in drawing up the boundaries and rules to follow and may assist them in taking responsibility for their actions and behaviour. . 1 Describe the benefits of encouraging and rewarding positive behaviour ————————————————- ————————————————- A key way of children learning behaviour and attitude comes from watching their peers and adults around them, so if all staff can show a positive attitude and show kindness then the children will pick this way of thinking up and start acting in the manor aswell. 3. 2 Describe the sorts of behaviour problems that should be referred to others and to whom these should be referred ————————————————-It always depends on each child and their circumstances. ————————————————- For example if the child’s parents have just split up and their not seeing one of their parents they are going to be upset and angry and may lash out. This is why good communications skills with the child’s parents is key as you know what’s happening and therefore you maybe can see why the child is behaving in a certain manner. —â €”——————————————- ————————————————- Inappropriate language, taking about private parts, this should be looked into further with the child’s parents. ———————————————— ————————————————- Violence, Kicking, punching, ————————————————- ————————————————- Verbal abuse, swearing etc.. ——————â €”—————————- ————————————————- All these above should be talked through with the parents firstly, unless the child has explained that this behaviour is because of sexual abuse for example then this should be referred to social services for them to investigate. Tda 2.9 MU 2. 4 MU 2. 4:TASK 1 1. 1 Outline the health and safety policies and procedures of the work setting. If an accident occurs write down in accident book. No matter how small the injury is. With a double signature from staff and end of the day by parents Medical Records. Only prescription drugs to be recorded. Making sure the gate is always shut on the entrance to the kitchen area so the children can’t go in and get hurt or burnt. All cleaning products are locked away in the kitchen area and children are not allowed in there. Fire exits always clear and known to staff and back exit gate key on hook if needed.Making sure children wash their hands after the toilet and before eating. Continual risk assessment of new and on-going tasks and areas of the children’s surroundings. i. e. If I see an overhanging bramble/branch in the garden, I would need to cut it off and mention it to the manger before children can play. If there were objects that could cause unnecessary accident s they would need picking up. If there was lots of mess on the floor like paper that would need to be cleaned up to avoid slips. This would be the same if there was water spilt and the manager would need to be informed.Making sure all the rooms are ventilated so the children don’t get over heated and not to cold either. Staff to child ratio on walks would be one adult to two children with the nursery that can increase to one adult to eight children. All people working even the volunteers have to be CRB checked. The following are some of the legislations on which these policies and procedures are based Health and safety at work act 1974 The purpose of this act is to promote and encourage high standards at work place. It protects all the employers, employees, workers and the other member of the public who may be affected by the work activities.Kite marking CE, product safety marking When you see a product with a Kite mark this means BSI has independently tested it and has confi rmed that the product conforms to the relevant British Standard, and has issued a BSI license to the company to use the Kite mark. The manufacturer pays for this service and their product is tested, and the manufacturing process is assessed, at regular intervals. The Kite mark is the symbol that gives consumers the assurance that the product they have bought really does conform to the appropriate British Standard and should therefore be safe and reliable.The Motor vehicles (wearing of seat belts) regulations 2006 The original proposed law require all passengers aged 3 years and over to wear a seat belt in buses and coaches, if fitted. RIDDOR – Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 Employers, the self-employed and those in control of premises are required by law to report specified workplace incidents, such as work-related deaths, major injuries, 7-day injuries (those causing more than seven day’s inability to carry out normal duties ), work related diseases, and dangerous occurrences (near miss accidents).Employers, the self-employed and those in control of premises are required by law to report specified workplace incidents, such as work-related deaths, major injuries, 7-day injuries (those causing more than seven day’s inability to carry out normal duties), work related diseases, and dangerous occurrences (near miss accidents). Childcare act 2006 The Childcare Act, passed into law on 11 July 2006, is pioneering legislation – the first ever exclusively concerned with Early Years and childcare. Measures in the act formalize the important strategic role local authorities play, through a set of duties.These duties require authorities to work with their NHS and Job Centre Plus partners to improve the outcomes of all children up to five years of age and reduce inequalities between them, secure sufficient childcare for working parents, provide a parental information service, Provide information, advice and training for childcare providers. Food hygiene legislation 2006 Anyone who owns manages or works in a food business, apart from those working in primary food production such as harvesting, slaughtering or milking, is affected by these Regulations.They apply to anything from a cafe to a five star restaurant, from a village hall where food is prepared to a large supermarket, or to a vending machine. Manual handling operations regulations 1992 The Regulations establish the following clear hierarchy of control measures: 1. Avoid hazardous manual handling operations so far as is reasonably practicable, for example by redesigning the task to avoid moving the load or by automating or mechanising the process. 2.Make a suitable and sufficient assessment of any hazardous manual handling operations that cannot be avoided. 3. Reduce the risk of injury from those operations so far as is reasonably practicable. Where possible, you should provide mechanical assistance, for example a sack trol ley or hoist. Where this is not reasonably practicable, look at ways of changing the task, the load and working environment. 1. 2 Identify the lines of responsibility and reporting for health and safety in the work setting. All staff is responsible for the health and safety in a setting.The lines of responsibility are divided among different staff members but the manager and the deputy manager have the most responsibly and after that the room leaders or the supervisors have the responsibility for health and safety. A rota is set to carry out certain health and safety check, a risk assessment is made every morning at the start of the day before the nursery starts, by carrying out risk assessments you can reduce the risk of injury or harm, and anything that is broken or damaged or not working fine has to be removed and noted down. Whoever plans an activity is responsible for the risks or hazards involved in that activity.Any incident or accident has to be proper logged in a record boo k and has to be notified to the respective person either manager, deputy manager or the parents of that particular child. In my placement of work I am asked to report any problem or risk to my supervisor who is responsible for my assessment. For serious health and safety issues like if an abuse or serious neglect is suspected towards a child then the head can report to health and safety executives, Ofsted, child protection agency and NSPCC. 1. 3 explains what risk assessment is and how this is managed in the work setting.Daily safety checks are made to manage risk assessment like checking of all the fire exits that they are clear at all times, fire drill procedures are displayed, dangerous objects are cleared away, health and safety hazards like broken furniture, any slippery carpet , slippery surface due to liquid or sand is cleaned, check for damaged or broken toys, hygiene and cleanliness of the room, all toxic materials are locked away, electrical sockets undamaged and secured, furniture and other fixed equipment is in working order, accident/incident book on site, signing-in book out, first aid box at place and complete, no sharp edges on either toys or furniture, cleanliness of toilets, animal faeces outside the play area, entrance is secure. TASK 2 2. 1 Explain why a safe but challenging environment is important for children and young people. It is the responsibility of the work setting to provide safe environment to the children but at the same time there are always risks involved. The children will be over protected if they are not involved in any challenging activities.Children are always curious and they want to take risks like climbing ropes or riding bicycles or jumping from higher surfaces. These activities will bring in confidence in them, make them brave and strong, they will have a good feeling about themselves, and they have something adventurous to tell their parents. But at the same time it is the responsibility of the work place to have an up to date health and safety policy so as to ensure whatever activities children are in involved are in accordance with the legislations. 2. 2 Identify the difference between risk and hazard. A risk is a chance high or low that someone will be harmed by a hazard.While a hazard is anything that can cause harm. Every day life activities include a lot of risks like slipping or tripping, falling down. A child care setting on a major high road can be serious risk; the hazards involved are fast moving traffic which can be controlled by having a strong fencing. Risk is a situation and hazard is a danger that is present in that risk. 2. 3 Identify potential hazards to the health, safety and security of children and young people. The security hazards include no cctv at the entrance of the building, no fencing around the play area. Entrance is not secure, picking up of the children, unauthorized entry in the building, damage or vandalism to the building. f children are going for an outing th e potential hazards are not wearing high visibility jackets, crossing the road, the strangers on the outside, playing with poisonous plants, trying to pick something from the grass to eat, they try to reach for wires or sockets, they reach for cleaning liquids, try to go to the kitchen if its unlocked, try to go out if find a door open. The health and safety hazards are children getting injured, hurt, sick, infection spreading, being abused either physically or emotionally, if there is a fire and someone is hurt it is a hazard, the broken and dirty toys, damaged equipment, unbalanced or lose ropes or ladders in the garden, slippery surface due to snow in the garden, faeces or litter in the outside play area. TASK 3 3. 1 identify non medical incidents and emergencies that may occur in the work setting.The following are some of the non medical incidents and emergencies that can occur in a work setting, they include missing child, fire, bomb threat, unauthorized person in the building, floods, any damage or vandalism in the building, bullying, lack or loss of services like gas, electricity, heating or water, staff issues like strike, snow , closure by ofstead, a gas leak, hazardous spillage, emergency closure. 3. 2 outline the actions to take in response to the following situations: a) Fire b) Security incidents c) Emergency incidents. (This will cross over with TDA2. 2: 2. 4) 4. 1 IDENTIFY THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS WHICH MANY INDICATE THAT A CHILD OR YOUNG PERSON IS INJURED OR UNWELL.The following are some of the signs and symptoms which can be recognized when we suspect that a child or young person is not well or injured If a child is not active in the setting, sitting quietly, not involving in the other activities, showing no interest in eating, feeling low, coughing, not playing with the other children, moody ,dehydration, diarrhoea or vomiting then these are some of the signs that the child is unwell. In case of an injury if a child is not walking properly, or rubbing a particular area, feeling dizzy, bruising. The injury can be something that happened at home or happened at the setting and the child didn’t tell anyone. In case of young people they show lack of interest in studies, keeping it to themselves, not cheerful, feeling dizzy, quite. These are a few of the signs and symptoms which indicate that they are not well. 4. 2 Identify circumstances when children or young people, may need urgent medical attention.There are certain conditions which can be handled by the first aider in the setting like bruising , or a bump but when certain situation arises when a person needs un urgent medical condition like if they are hurt and there is an open wound which is bleeding, they have a serious burn, they have a head injury and they are feeling dizziness or blackouts, being unconscious or unresponsive, fractured their limbs, difficulties in breathing and blue lips or having an allergic reaction to something, having a temperature of more t han 38c, in all these cases the staff at the setting is required to call for an immediate medical help and call an ambulance and need to inform the parents or carers as soon as possible. 4. 3 Outline own role and responsibilities in the event of a child or a young person requiring urgent medical attention. This question is a cross reference with TDA 2. 2:2. 1, 2. , 2. 3. 5. 1 describe the reporting procedures for accidents, incidents, emergencies and illnesses. There are different kinds of injuries that can happen in the result of an accident. In case of serious accidents like a major injury with an open wound, a head injury with dizziness, electric shock, fractured limbs or unconsciousness ,severe allergic reactions these are all serious injuries and need urgent medical attention and need more than a first aider to help around. All this has to be reported to health and safety executive, the manager of the setting and the parents. This has to be recorded in the accident record book with all the details.In case of incidents which involve minor injuries that can be dealt with the help of first aider like minor bruises, slipping or tripping, vomiting, incidents that involve bullying, damage to the building, entry of an unauthorized person they are all incidents and they have to be recorded in an incident record book with all the details and manager has to be aware of this at all times. Illnesses such as high fever, vomiting, and stomach ache, signs of cold cough or flu they have all to be recorded in the Childs individual record book with all the details. In case of emergencies like a fire evacuation, or a bomb threat they have to be recorded in the emergency record book with all the details as how the emergency was dealt with. 6. 1 Outline procedures for infection control in own work setting. There are certain procedures that have to be carried out when dealing with the infection control in the work setting. Personal protective equipment includes disposable glov es, aprons and in certain cases goggles.They have to be worn while changing, feeding, anything to do with spillage of blood, vomiting, urine or any liquids that contain the risk to spread infection. Children should be encouraged to wash hands before and after eating, they need to wash hands after certain activities like playing with sand, playing outside and while using glue in arts and crafts and after playing with the play dough. They toys have to be clean and should be regularly checked. Pedal bins are provided; paper towels are always available in the bathrooms so that children can use them whenever they come out of the toilet. The staff is advised to keep their nails short at all times and keep their hair tied up while working with children to prevent the spreading of infection.Any spillage has to be cleaned and disposed off immediately to prevent the infection. If children are ill with the symptoms or cold or flu , their parents are advised not to send them to school and have to wait for at least 48 hours before all the symptoms have gone, with other serious illnesses like chicken pox and measles they have to wait for a specific time to be returned to school and in some cases need a letter from their GP. 6. 2 Describe personal protective clothing that is used to prevent spread of infection. Personal protective clothing is a term used to describe the clothing and equipment that is used in a work setting to prevent from any infections or injuries.They include disposable gloves which can be worn while changing a baby, cleaning of any fluids like vomiting, urine or any spillage, used in kitchen and have to be disposed of every time . Disposable aprons have to be worn during the changing, feeding, cooking and cleaning; some cases required wearing of goggles. TASK 4 7. 1 Identify the procedures of the work setting governing the receipt, storage and administration of medicines. According to the guidance set out in the childcare setting ‘medicines must not usually be administered unless they have been prescribed for that child by a doctor, dentist or a pharmacist’. The workplace is not allowed to give medicines to children who are ill, but there are certain circumstances where exceptions can be made.The medicines can only be given if they needed to be but only with a written consent letter from the parents, and a doctors or GP letter. They have sign in the medicine with the manager in their child’s individual record book. The records are always kept in a medicine record book with each child’s name, age, class, the reason for the medicine, how much dose has to be given and how much was given each time, who gave the medicine and who administrate it. The medicine has to be put in a secure location that is in the office usually and can only be accessed by the manager or whoever is allowed to administrate it. The medicine can only be given by the manager, deputy manager or qualified level 3 workers.The consent form ha s to be signed by the parents at all time and each time at the end of the day they have to be informed about the dosage given and signed by the parents. 7. 2 Explain how the procedures of the work setting protect both children and young people and practitioners. The procedures at the workplace are carried out in such a way as to protect everyone including the children and the people working there. The main aim of the practitioners is to protect the children from any harm possible either physical or emotional. There are several procedures that are carried out from health and safety policies and procedures which ensure the protection of the children and the people working in the setting.The procedures carried out for the health and safety of children, fire drills, no unauthorized entry in the building, hygiene, safe indoor and outdoor activities, administrations of medicines are some of the procedures that are carried out to protect the children and work place. For practitioners the p rocedure that protect them include that they have to keep record of all the incidents and accidents that happen and by recording everything in the record book they ensure that all the records are up to date and if something happens in near future 5the records and the signatures are there. Practitioners are protected by not letting children go with anyone other than the parents or the authorized person, if they have to administer the medicine they need to have the consent signatures of the parents beforehand.