Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Do Women Have To Behave Like Men In Order To Succeed Essay

The old Virginia Slims cigarette print advertisement said â€Å"You’ve come a long way baby. †, a reference to the fight of women for rights equivalent to those of men. Indeed women’s suffrage has come a long way from the days of chaining themselves to wagons in the crusade to get women the right to vote. These days, women have become an important and integral part of society. Women are now movers, shakers, and builders who help shape the future not only of nations, but of the world. The question being asked now is â€Å"Have women lost their sense of womanhood in the quest to be treated as an equal of their male counterparts in the workplace? I believe that nothing could be further from the truth. Women do not have to behave like men in order to succeed because it is their womanhood that sets them apart and makes them more effective than men in most instances. I believe that women are successful in whatever they undertake because they have been blessed with the ability to balance hard as nails logic with emotional consideration for the final outcome of various discussions. This is not to say that one sex or the other shall be more successful in a given field based solely upon the gender of a person. A clear example of such a scenario can be seen in the highly successful political careers of former Arkansas governor and president of the country Bill Clinton and his wife, the senator from New York Hillary Rodham Clinton. Their relationship I believe, is a symbiotic one wherein Hillary was allowed to keep her femininity even has she proved to be just as hard working and dedicated to her political career as any man elected to public office. This is a political relationship that borrows strengths and weaknesses from each other. Bill Clinton styled himself after his political idol, the late president John F. Kennedy but, recognized the potential of his wife to be his productive partner in the political arena not only because she was a woman, but because she is a highly intelligent and analytical person who can see things that he may not see. While Bill Clinton was viewed as a politician gifted with skill, intelligence and an uncanny ability to deceive people for his own political benefit, he was also granted the abilities of resiliency and endurance. The very same qualities that people now see Hillary sharing with remarkable similarity with her husband who is also her political mentor. It is this sharing of strengths and weaknesses that makes him a formidable man and she a formidable woman. As a woman, Hillary faced the same problems and wife faces, most notably, the seemingly endless philandering of her husband and the subsequent results of her decision to stay by his side no matter what the cost. She has always shown that she is a true-blue woman in dealing with her private affairs with her husband by keeping her reactions out of the press and dealing with the problem privately whenever possible. This however, did not make her less of an equal in the eyes of her husband who gave her, at the time of his presidency, the voice to be heard in the political decision making process that is usually reserved for the vice president and attorney general. President Clinton had openly said during his presidency that he valued her opinion and she had influence on his administrative policies. Did she have to behave like a man to achieve that status in their relationship? No. Instead, she was the other voice that Clinton may or may not have heard from his political advisers. She was the voice of the women in the White House. Since they were a tag team in the White House during his presidency, it is expected that if Hillary makes it to the White House in 2008, Bill will then take on the role of adviser to the president just as Hillary did for him and in the process, they will continue to be mirror images of each other for the benefit of the country. This time, Bill will be voice of the men that Hillary listens to and considers. In conclusion, I would like to point out that some of the most notable names of political leaders in the 20th century have been women. Margaret Thatcher, Cory Aquino, and Indira Gandhi to name but a few. All are women who were not just political leaders but daughters, wives, and mothers as well. Women in the true sense of the word, but leaders in the world formerly dominated by men as well.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Children’s Responses to Own Practice Essay

1 Reflect on own practice. Take note of children and young peoples responses to own practice.I must always take note of how children respond to me it’s important that they feel comfortable and confident and that they trust me, never make them feel intimidated by doing this the child develop more positively emotionally, physically and mentally. 1.1 Take note of children and young people’s responses to own practise When working with children and young people schools will require you to evaluate how each individual responds while they are in your charge. You may find that different teaching styles work better than others and that some prefer a softer approach whereas others may enjoy difficult challenges. Teachers often find that you may be able to spend more time with an individual and your feedback can be a useful source of information, for this reason it is often helpful if you keep a written track of each child or groups progress and how they reacted in each session. 1.2 Ask for constructive fee dback on own practise from colleagues For you to be able to provide the best possible education for children and young people you should always be pushing yourself to reach greater heights and by listening and taking on advice from your colleagues, assessor, head teacher to parents you will be able to continue to grow into a valuable team member and role model to your students. You could ask a colleague to observe you and give back any feedback they may have. If you decide after taking on feedback and assessing your own role that you are perhaps thinking of changing the way you approach a situation, then you may find that seeking advice on the best way to approach situations through your peers could be a useful way of gaining advice. Listening to others can provide you with vital information to assist you in refl ecting upon your own practice. You should aim to listen carefully to feedback, and not become defensive or take the feedback personally. The key focus is to improve practice.Being a refl ective professional requires you to take the time to consider your work, refl ect on its objectives and evaluate its outcomes. You should be learning from your experiences and applying this newfound knowledge to future situations. This is exactly the same message as the one you will be trying to send to your candidates while you support them through their award and encourage them to become refl ective practitioners too. 1.3 Take note of  responses to own practise from others. Evaluating oneself is often a difficult procedure as it means looking deep within and taking your own beliefs and actions into account. You should aim to be as professional as possible as you in essence are looking after the well-being of somebodies child. You may find that you hold different beliefs to some parents or even the school itself and it is important that you try to remain open minded when taking advice from others. All feedback should be acted on as it is given in order to help you improve even when you are given positive feedback always try to improve your own practice if you are given negative feedback take on board what has been said, try to find ways to do things better. 1.4 Evaluate all aspects of own practice. To help me evaluate my own practice I will put together a list of questions to ask myself: Did I pay attention to the needs of all, did I properly supervise and keep a safe and secure environment, did I monitor all children carefully, did I check the area and equipment properly. If anything went wrong or if an incident occurred ask myself â€Å"what could I have done to prevent it† and what can I do to prevent it happening again? 206. Be able to improve own practice. 2.1 Identify possible development opportunities relevant to improving own practice. Development opportunities can come from within the setting if you are given a mentor who will supervise and advise you on how to keep improving, You may be able to take an adult class from a secondary source, even visit the library and take advantage of the literature on offer to help you develop. 2.2: Describe the importance of continuing professional development It is important to continue your professional development throughout your career or chosen profession, as this will help your knowledge to grow and expand. There are many ways in which you can constantly keep improving on this. You could attend courses/classes at college; attend conferences and or workshops as well as the option of learning via reading books or using the internet. A teaching assistant who may feel the need to improve her knowledge on dealing with children who have behavioural problems would need to do a college course, where she would need to use the internet and books for both her resource and references and extra information. To which she would then put all this into practice and have a new knowledgeable skill that would be invaluable to her professional role. While in your chosen profession, to hear the views of what others think is also another way of developing  yourself, they see you in a different way to how you actually see yourself. They may give you advice on how you could improve on a particular way that you handled a dispute between two children, or how you had helped/or how you could help a group of children with a subject or even doing a wall display. Their advice is an invaluable way of improving one’s self development. Another way of improving on your development is to learn from yourself. Reflect on how your day has gone and what you could have improved on. 2.3 work with an appropiate person: a)identify own strengths, and areas were practice could improve There is general agreement across all interested parties that a process of working together is the best way to determine which school or educational setting is right for an individual child with autism spectrum disorder. In the UK, families and local authorities both desire a constructive working relationship and see this as the best means by which to reach an agreement to determine where a child should be educated. b) Despite this positive outcome, survey data indicated that parents found the process bureaucratic, stressful and time consuming. Parents tended to perceive alternative placement suggestions as financially motivated rather than in the best interests of the child. Interviews with local authority personnel showed an awareness of these concerns and the complex considerations involved in determining what is best for an individual child.Conclusions: This small-scale study highlights the need for more effective communication between parents of . c)Identify goals and targets The Common Core Skills and Knowledge for the children’s workforce provides a set of basic skills and knowledge that we must be aware of and practice when we are working with children and young people on a regular basis on a part-time, full-time or on a voluntary capacity. There are six areas of skills and knowledge that we must be aware of and practice. They are: Effective communication with children, young peop le and the families involves positive clear communication, listening, comprehending, questioning and catering for their needs accordingly. Children’s and young people’s development needs to be monitored as they grow up in varying speeds emotionally, physically, socially and intellectually. It is vital to understand their development stages. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the child. This is a big responsibility that requires special attention for the safety, protection and well being of the child or young person.  Supporting transitions of children and younger people is essential as they are growing up and are often expected to cope with these changes. This knowledge helps us support them through this transitional process. Multi agency working is about different services working in unity to prevent problems from occurring. They work together with mutual aims and goals. Sharing information in an accurate and timely fashion is an important part of delivering abetted service for everyone. 2.4 Take part in continuing profesional development that is relevant to own goals and targets Personal Develop ment Planning is a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development. The primary objective for PDP is to improve the capacity of individuals to understand what and how they are learning, and to review, plan and take responsibility for their own learning. 2.5 Review one personal developmentà © Personal Development Planning is a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development. The primary objective for PDP is to improve the capacity of individuals to understand what and how they are learning, and to review, plan and take responsibility for their own learning. 2.6 Identify new areas of skillà © and knoweledge to achieve new goals and targets This article brings together an overview of ideas about teacher learning from both teacher education and workplace learning literature, and examines what and how newly qualified secondary school teachers learn in the early years of their career. We discuss the types of knowledge new teachers encounter and present a typology of teacher learning. The article also draws on a three-year longitudinal study, presenting findings from surveys of new and more experienced teachers together with analysis of interviews with ten new teachers during the first two years of their teaching career. We present findings about how these new teachers have learned in their first two years of teaching and explore the importance of the school context and other learning factors. Outcome 3 Understand the work of the team. 3.1 Describe why team work is important in schools. It is important to work as part of a team as this benefits the school as a  whole. In lessons, team work will enable the learning program to be more successful and the children achieve higher potential. 3.2 Describe the purpose and objectives of the team in which you work The purpose and objective of the team is to promote the intellectual, social and emotional development of the children. Working under the direction of the class teacher, I am to support and assist in the lesson plan and objectives, giving additional support to children who are struggling or finding a particular subject challenging. Working as a team with the classroom teacher gives the opportunity for children who are falling behind to catch up with the rest of the class. 3.3 Describe your own role and responsibilities at school and those of the others in your team As a volunteer teaching assistant I work under the direction of the class teacher to support the lesson objectives. To be aware, or make myself aware of the lesson plan and the method of teaching the lesson topic. In certain circumstances, I am to prepare or assist in the preparation of materials and resources required for the lesson. Carrying out administration duties such as filing, photocopying etc., At all times, being a good role model to the children. The teachers role is to plan the lesson and ensure all children have the opportunity to join in the lesson. Ensuring that whilst having the assistance of a TA that the TA is directed to those who may be struggling. 3.4 describe the importance of respecting the skill and expertise of other practitioners Describe the importance of respecting the skills and expertise of others at school. It is important for me to listen and respect other peoples help and advise as they have spent there time getting qualifications and have gathered years of experience in this environment, and there knowledge is valuable and helpful to me in gaining my own qualifica tions. outcame 4 Support the work of the team 4.1 support the purpose and objectives of the team The purpose of the team is to support each other,and this will help strengthen and improve teaching. The objective is to assist the teacher to provide help and support within there class whether its helping with a display or setting up a classroom what ever the teacher needs help with. 4.2 Carry out own role and responsibilities within the team My role is to assist and support the teacher. To help with the things they ask me to do this  could include putting up displays and putting them down. It could be helping the children with reading or helping setting up a class room for a lesson. It is the teachers job in the class room to plan lessons and to decide what the children will be doing. 4.3 Communicate clearly with team members and others, making sure they have the information they need Effective active listening is a key consultancy skill in building relationships, reducing resistance and agreeing ways forward. It is the foundation of interaction and feedback. The skills of activ e listening are very different from the way we listen in everyday conversation. Active listening is not a passive process but one which demands understanding of what a person is saying and reflecting the meaning back to them. This enables people to arrive at their own conclusions and identify potential steps for improvement. 4.4 Interact with others in a way that supports good team work Adult interaction is the key to measure a child’s development. It helps understand the importance of analysing children’s progress and achievement. All children are different and unique. Interaction helps children build stable, healthy and satisfying relationship and close bonding with their family, friends, classmates and care takers (social development). They learn to cooperate and work as part of team. Interaction creates awareness of a child’s development, strengths, needs, interest and most importantly in identifying areas of improvement, on the basis of which we can decide whether the child is ready for next activity and for planning further activities. Through numerous interactions children can be helped in making connections between familiar situations and new ones.We need to ensure that games being provided are suitable per the child’s age. The environment needs to be examined and safe handling instructions are to be provided (Adventure play). Equipment provided should best support the child’s play (for some older children unable to ride a bicycle a tricycle may be used to strengthen skills). We also ensure that the children are aware of what is available and able to get their own choice of equipment and toys. Children need reassurance and support till they become confident. Support and confidence building is also linked to their language development (for children who have some language delay or who do not speak the language of the setting). Children ask questions and want proper responses. We need to be active listener as it helps the child to communicate verbally and nonverbally, express ideas and thoughts. All this  can lead to an improvement in vocabulary, knowledge skills (through nursery rhymes, words games) and children gaining confidence in their speaking abilities. 4.5 Identify and suggest ways in which the team could improve its work, challenging existing practice wgere necesary have you made any suggestions to how to deal with a challenging child, or suggested a change in routine, or made any adaptations to your setting in any way. Preparing students for teamwork focuses on those students who lack in skills of teamwork, and should learn how to enhance their collaborative skill s before the team is created. Gueldenzoph Snyder suggested offering tutorial works to those that are struggling with organisational or grammatical elements. The author also emphasised on the importance of having the instructors to provide extra instruction on the element of successful teamwork (as cited in Gueldenzoph Snyder, p. 75). The reason is that, most students will perform badly on their team projects, if they do not receive instruction regarding how to improve their collaborative skills. Gueldenzoph Snyder compared the teamwork in business communication to that of sports teams, to be a first-class sport team, the athletes often need to prepare, practice and review their performance, and teamwork in business communication is the same.Second point on practicing successful collaboration makes note on the consistency of team members in the group throughout a number of projects or assignments. The benefit of having the same members over different projects allow students to collaborate better by having a good understanding between each member on the way they work. 4.6 Respond to differences of opinion and conflict constructively As a teaching assistant I am part of the wider team of teaching staff in a school. Everyone has different roles and responsibilities and this can sometimes lead to conflicts. On one occ asion I was working with an EMA class doing role plays in a hall. It was the last lesson of the day and we were using the interactive white board. The after school film club was due to use the room straight after us and the coordinator was very annoyed that she was unable to come in and set up ahead of her class. She insisted that the EMA class use another space. While I could understand her frustration at being delayed I could also see the benefits to the EMA class of using the hall. It provided the children with opportunities to do exercises that couldn’t be done in standard classroom. I could also tell that they really enjoyed working in the space. The  discussion between the teachers became slightly heated and I could see that there was tension. In order to resolve the conflict I suggested we carry out the activities that require the white board early so that the coordinator could come in towards the end of our lesson and set up the film. This solution was accepted by all. I felt I dealt with the situation constructively. 4.7 Seek advice and support from relevant people when needed Seek advice and support from relevant people when needed. As a teaching assistant I always seek advice on issues I am unsure of. If had a difference of opinion with another member of staff I would ask the teacher I worked with or different member of st aff for advice. If was having difficulty with any of my responsibilities I would ask another member of staff to help and support me to ensure I was doing things correctly.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Art in general Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Art in general - Essay Example The cave paintings and drawings of the ancient civilisations and the various forms of artefacts that have been dug out from the ruins of ancient civilisations, are very good examples of this. These show very good proof that; even the people from those days were interested in art and its various forms. As per the varieties of art almost all the fields ranging from paintings to the areas of literature and music, are all considered to fall under the category of art. Indeed to the practicing artist and the sculptors or any individual who indulges in the creation of art and its various forms, it is a wonderful medium to express what is hidden within them. Hence art is considered by the experts, as the one which stimulates the inner feelings and brings out the hidden emotions, of both its creator and also its onlookers. For many art is a form of happiness and pleasure, that takes them to an imaginative field, where they are free from all worldly troubles. Because of this many people who ca nnot create forms of art but appreciate art, tend to buy pieces of art for their homes and work places. In today’s world because of this trend, buying works of art have become a very lucrative and serious business. The artists, painters and sculptors stand to benefit from this growing trend of art business, which enables them to make a living and some of them even reap millions. Art in recent years have become very good medium for investment. The paintings and sculptures, which are produced by the great masters, are today auctioned at the various auction houses spread across the world, for billions of dollars. Through the business of art, people are now indeed making a fortune. People who indulge in any form of art are considered to be highly talented, since they give freedom and form to their hidden energies. It is for this reason that, almost any person who indulges in any form of art is considered in high esteem by the public. Experts believe that almost all the human bein gs have the talent to create art forms. But it is only the individuals who put in efforts to bring out their creativity, who are able to express the art forms in reality. The practice of art is in itself a very time consuming process and in most cases it is through years of dedication, which makes individuals to become true masters of the art forms, they practice. For this very reason, most of the individuals in today’s world find art as a mere wastage of time, energy and money. But this very thought is not correct, since it helps an individual to master the inner self, through the medium of art. In today’s fast paced life indulgence in art is very important as per many experts, since they believe that, it helps the people to relax and help them to take a break from the vagaries of modern life. This is the main reason that, most of the schools and colleges in the world today make it a point to conduct classes and sessions of art for the students, so as to make them awa re regarding the world of art. It is through such initiation that, many highly talented artists take roots by understanding its hidden secrets. Thus such students get exposed to the art field and they become drawn to the medium of art. Among them many become art teachers and dedicate themselves to teaching the various art forms, to the future generations. Art has indeed

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Summarize Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Summarize - Essay Example This also means that they have to learn from their mistakes that cause these failures. According to Amy Edmondson, it is always hard to learn from failures since people do not appreciate them, and others do not like failures and most of the time they get defensive failing to acknowledge them. It is hard for employers to accept failures and therefore it becomes very hard for them to learn from them. Thus, most executive do everything to avoid failure and therefore, they do everything not to fail. This is what makes it so hard for them to accept that they fail sometimes. It is important for big businesses to learn that big projects have bigger chances of failing especially when it is the first time they are working on the project. When big projects such as rebranding fail, the cause is not just a single failure, but small failures in different departments that end up causing the failure. However, mostly in such cases the executive would rather blame an employee rather than accept failure and learn from it. It is also important for organizations to keep trying through trial and error, learning from their mistakes and failures and with time success can be

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Enterprice system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Enterprice system - Essay Example Therefore, client-server systems can definitely help them in making effective use of client-server technology. However, increased dependence on the centralized server is a disadvantage of such models because if the server goes down, the entire network of computers becomes unable to work. b) Thin-Client Model The thin client technology also provides server-based computing facility to companies (Kumar 2007). There is a browser terminal or a central server from which all other computers can access required information, as well as can do required work through sharing. Companies can use either standalone or wireless thin clients to run their business processes. The purpose of the technology is to facilitate businesses through reducing the total cost of ownership and providing easy and efficient usage. The main advantages of using think clients are security, efficient use of resources, and low cost (Kumar 2007). The main disadvantage of this technology is that not is not designed for heavy tasks. Answer No. 2 a) Risks to Data Integrity of Distributed Databases â€Å"A distributed database is a database that is split over multiple hardware devices but managed by a central database controller† (Holmes n.d.). A distributed database means division of a database into different physical units separated by business or geographical regions. Some of the main advantages of using distributed databases in business include better control of resources and improved business performances. However, the risks associated with data integrity of distributed databases include accuracy of stored data and the risk of unauthorized access to spoil or alter the stored data. b) Strategies to Overcome Risks The first strategy that can be used to overcome such risks include double checking the database for database integrity, domain integrity, and referential integrity before and after making changes to the data. The second strategy is using authentication of the people trying to log on to the network. Using this feature, only officials are provided with passwords and biometrics that they can use to prove their identity, as well as to make secure use of the distributed network. Authentication is done to make the network safe by stopping and preventing unauthorized attempts to the network. Answer No. 3 Groupware is a term that refers to specialized software applications that help members of a group in sharing and synchronizing business information, as well as in communicating with each other in an effective manner. â€Å"Groupware can allow both geographically dispersed team members and a company's on-site workers to collaborate with each other through the use of computer networking technologies† (Pinola, n.d.). Some of the main groupware technologies that are widely used in companies include shared Microsoft Office applications, email systems, video conferencing, electronic whiteboard, and instant messaging through messengers. All of these techniologies help e mployees in communicating with eah other regardig every business matter. These technologies also increase business efficency, as well as employee productivity. Therefore, the statement that helps in icnreasing on-going coordination between people is true. Answer No. 4 ICT, Information and Communication Technology, refers to every such technology that deals with electronic transfer of information from one point to another (Singleton 2010). The information exchange

Accounting for manager Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Accounting for manager - Speech or Presentation Example that, we as a company should have a firm understanding of the cost objects that are prevalent in our current setup, so that we can confidently answer questions asked by the bank’s personnel, and most importantly we need to determine how much capital our expanding operations need. By preparing an internal company budget, we will not only know the underlying cost objects in a process, but also we will know the cost each object is incurring. By knowing these facts we will be in a better position to undertake cost reduction strategies and optimize our capital allocation process. Since these are tough economic times, and we need to be sure that every penny that we are investing in our operations is producing a substantial return, therefore, it is important that we take an initiative to generate an internal company budget. The utility of this internal budget is immense. We can use this internal budget to construct a master budget for the lending bank. In this way, we will be able to send a firm message across to the bank, and show them that we are serious in doing business with them. By presenting them with the nature of our operational costs, we can enchant them with the opportunity to do future business with our company. Most importantly, this effort of ours to compile an internal budget and tailor it for external users has a broader utility that will arise as the company grows. This utility that is being referred to is the need to have well maintained books in order to change the status of the company. Since we are expecting growth in our business operations and scope of our activities, therefore, it is hard to undermine the fact that we will have to go public someday. For this it is important that the company take an initiative to put in place proper systems for tracing costs and allocation of bud get. By installing these systems, we will be in a stronger position to generate true financial statements. And as you must be aware that strong systems of a company play

Friday, July 26, 2019

Comparative Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Comparative Management - Essay Example Furthermore, it further provides a brief indication to the comparative institutional advantage of both the economies with respect to South Korea and Taiwan. The region of South Korea has seen an immense economic growth after the Second World War ever since the country was freed from the claws of Japanese colonialism in the year 1945. According to Michell (1988), the decade of 1960s had been very crucial as the early period of boom in the country's economy, which mostly took place due to advancements in trade and business activities in South Korea. It was the same period when the South Korean government imposed state rule over the privately owned businesses in order to manage the increasing developmental reforms in the country. The government took all the banks under its control, nationalised them and played an important part in allocating funds for financial activities that resulted in great economic development in the country. Thereafter the government introduced a system with semi-liberalisation of market by privatising the country's major banks in the early 1980s. This action of the government however could not be completely implemented and the government instead allowed relaxations to the banking business and facilitated the growth of non-bank financial institutions so as to infuse a market-oriented system in the country. Jones and SaKong (1980) suggest that the South Korean efforts for the development of economy towards a Liberal Market Economy as that of the United States had been initiated soon after the beginning of the year 1980. However, the government found itself unable to get rid of the chaebol system because of the over-reliance of the country's financial system on them. Therefore, the government was forced to retain interference and control in the management of the private business system. According to Root (1999), the South Korean economic system still depends upon government to look over the business affairs in the country. The government controls the corporations' activities and supports the chaebol companies to stay in the market even after they have become insolvent. This governmental support to the chaebol has led to kind of market in South Korea where the chaebol hold a major share in the ownership of non-bank financial institutions and try to confine the entry of foreign multi-natio nal corporations in the country so as to prevent competition. The government did initially introduce some reforms so as to liberalise the market but still the South Korean business reflects a predominating governmental influence in the private business affairs. Although the government claims to have taken a lot of steps in order to introduce market-based economy in the country. But the existing business system indicates as illuminated by Financial Supervisory Commission (1999) that the South Korean government holds the ownership of the shares of financial institutions and also utilises its influence on the banks to support the remodelling of chaebol corporations. The government co

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Networking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Networking - Assignment Example Describe three different associations that you could network with to learn about jobs in sales and marketing. Research these associations and indicate when/where they meet; the contact information; and how to network within these groups. One organization which could serve as a network to learn about jobs in sales and marketing is the Sales & Marketing & Executives International, Inc. located at PO Box 1390 Sumas, WA 98295 USA and could be contacted through their official website: Their contact information is through this number: 312-893-0751; and as disclosed, they could be contacted through social media sites such as: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln, YouTube, through blog, radio (Sales & Marketing & Executives International, Inc., 2012). ... Its contact information include: TEL: (703) 234-4098, FAX: (703) 435-4390 and their site disclosed the information on conferences and upcoming events where members could appropriately meet, as required (Association of Investment Management Sales Executives, 2013). Finally, the SMPS is located at 123 North Pitt Street, Suite 400, Alexandria, VA 22314 with the following contact information: 800.292.7677 (Society for Marketing Professional Services, 2013). It listed the upcoming events where members and interested parties could meet with them at the indicated schedule and venue. One could therefore network with these groups through contacting them in their respective official websites, or through their contact information and other social networking sites, as indicated. How are networking and building connections essential skills to sales and marketing? Networking and building connections are essential skills to sales and marketing through the provision of crucial and relevant informati on that promulgates and perpetuate sales and marketing endeavors. Like the associations above mentioned, through these skills, interested parties or stakeholders of different organizations could forge alliances with member associations and groups to promote their endeavors, as required (Strategic Business Network, 2011). Relationships building and listening were seen as crucial elements to succeed in sales; in conjunction with sincerity, ethics, and asking (Michaels, 2011). As emphasized, â€Å"as Internet communication technology developed and more applications could be added to a social networking site, the number of features available to users increased drastically, adding to the sites' success† (EBSCO Host, 2013). Thus, organizations rely on social media to

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Religion can be used to promote hate and this results in violent acts, Annotated Bibliography

Religion can be used to promote hate and this results in violent acts, including rape and murder of our LGBTQI neighbors - Annotated Bibliography Example This source is a book. The Bible, Christianity, & Homosexuality will be used two ways. The first is to show what types of myths exist about the Bible and homosexuality. The Bible only mentions homosexuality several times in the Bible. The first time was when angels visited Sodom and Gomorrah. Thus the name Sodomites were given to homosexuals. The Bible does not speak of domestic partners in a homosexual relationship. A mob wanted to rape the male angels. On this account most Christians think homosexuality is equal to rape. Justin Cannon does his best to show that one account does not represent all homosexuals. This source will be useful in laying a foundation for religious bias against the LGBTQI community. It will also show that homosexuals can also be Christian. This resource is a book. Candace Chellew-Hodge shares her experiences as a gay Christian. This is a biography about how the author dealt with hatred from religious zealots. She shows how her religion, Christianity, can be used against the LGBTQI community. This book also shows specific incidents of hatred and violence against members of the LGBTQI community. Despite the violence and hatred against the LGBTQI community due to religion, many LGBTQI individuals still retain their belief in their religion. This source will also show that even LGBTQI individuals that are Christian do not escape violence of discrimination. Sexuality or being defined as a LGBTQI community member is more important to the opposition than the individual’s religion or beliefs. This book is another source that studies homosexuality and the Bible. Dwyer numbered all of the references of homosexuality in the Bible to seven. Each circumstance is examined individually. Like the case of homosexuality in Sodom and Gomorrah, Dwyer presents each instance. This source is important to show that Christianity does not promote violence. Everyone is a sinner, no matter their sexuality. If Jesus

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Case Study 11-2, Dealing with Traffic Jams in London

11-2, Dealing with Traffic Jams in London - Case Study Example Project model provides essential information required in the implementation face. Integration of the technology proposed by the project was a challenge since the technology kept changing. The design of the streets does not provide an opportunity for mounting the cameras. The positioning of the cameras required clear roads, which would facilitate the relaying of the pictures. The project faced a political risk since the mayor of the city wanted to build his reputation. The fear of failure was a menace that the project had to deal with. Inadequate experience in the application information technology was another challenge that the project faced. The management strategy that I would recommend for the project include outsourcing competent personnel in the field of information technology to jump start a pilot project in a few streets in the city. Rolling the project in the whole city at one time could not yield effective result. Strategic development of checks and balances for the project would help to avoid inconveniencies. Project methodology identified five critical areas that it would address in piloting the project. Selection of technology for the five key areas was a step taken in order to reduce risks. Tendering of the project to large cooperation was a wise move since large corporations have the ability to meet big project. Provision of small tenders to individuals could help in making effective management of the project (Wysocki, 2011). Management of tenders by Deloitte & Touche was geared towards achieving the best result. After the selection of the best bidder, the project rolled out. Management of the project by a firm like Deloitte was a wise decision since it helped the city government to monitor the work without the political interference. The approach that was developed in the project methodology was appropriate since it eliminated risks that the project

Monday, July 22, 2019

Computerized System Essay Example for Free

Computerized System Essay 7.1 Architectural Design 7.1.1 Entity-Relationship Diagram Fig. 7.1.1 Database model On the figure above, the table â€Å"item_description† contains information about the items in the inventory. This is where the data for new items will be stored and updating of information of existing items takes place. Notice that, the table â€Å"critical_items† has only two attribute which is â€Å"status† that identifies the critical item if it is low or not. The â€Å"transaction† table is where the system stores data regarding individual transaction while â€Å"item_trans† table focuses on list of items and its total price. 7.2 System Function 7.2.1 Physical Data Flow Diagram Fig. 7.2.1 Physical DFD The system mainly consists of functions for sales and inventory management. A customer orders an item and the system checks the inventory by accessing the master item table. New items can be added by the management and the master item record is updated as such. A process computes the total price for the items ordered by using the input from the customer and data(prices) from the inventory master table. After the transaction, receipt will be given to the customer and both the inventory record and sales record are updated. If the system detects any item to be at critical level, a notification will be sent to the management. 7.2.2 User Interface Fig. Main Menu This is the interface where the user has access to all function of the system (Fig. The first thing that will show up when the user runs the system is the button with a text of â€Å"V†. When the user clicks the â€Å"V† button the five buttons and upon clicking the inventory and report button their sub items will also appear and when the user clicks one of these buttons (Point of Sale, View Inventory, Update Inventory, Add Inventory, Critical Items, View Sales Report, and View Inventory report) the visibility of all buttons will be disabled and then the desired form of the user will appear on the gray space. The sub buttons of Inventory is where the user viewing of inventory and critical items ( if there’s any ), update, and adding of inventory. The sub buttons of reports is where the user views the sales and inventory report of the system, the help button mainly focuses on how to use it or what we call â€Å"user manual† and about the system. Fig. Point of Sale Lastly, this form is where the transaction between the manager and the customer takes place. First thing that the user will do is choose an item code and then the quantity for the item and it will automatically compute for the price after that, he will have to click the add item button then the item will appear on the white space on the right side and then a message will prompt if he want to add another or not if he doesn’t want to add another item the uwser will require to input the customer’s payment and clicking the complete transaction button will prompt another message if the user is sure about the transaction. And then if the user is sure, the system will prompt another message if he want to print the receipt or not.

Compensation Plan - University of Phoenix - HRM Essay Example for Free

Compensation Plan University of Phoenix HRM Essay A good compensation plan must include both aspects, financial and nonfinancial of a rewarding system where financial rewards, or a pay system, assign a monetary value to each job in the organization (a base rate) and an orderly procedure for increasing the base rate (e.g., based on merit, inflation, or some combination of the two) (Cascio, 2005, p. 425). Also, a properly designed Pay for Performance (PFP) Program enables companies to reduce their cost of labor while increasing the average take home pay of their workforce (Jensen, 2009). On the other hand we also will offer nonfinancial systems that will cover indirect aspects such as benefits, professional and personal development. We want to give our sales staff a reason to get out there and sell, sell, sell (Ward). Rewards bridge the gap between organizational objectives and individual expectations and aspirations. To be effective, organizational reward systems should provide four things: (1) a sufficient level of rewards to fulfill basic needs, (2) equity with the external labor market, (3) equity within the organization, and (4) treatment of each member of the organization in terms of his or her individual needs (Cascio, 2005, p. 419). New compensation planPay systems are designed to attract, retain, and motivate employees (Cascio, 2005, p. 419)The new compensation plan will be based in a performance system. If business takes off, more pay goes to workers. If it doesnt, the company is not locked into high fixed costs of labor. 417 This system was chosen since meets the company strategy of growth and objectives and such variable-pay systems almost guarantee cost control. 417 (Cascio, 2005, p. 417) and a well planed recognition system adds to the compensation plan to offset a higher level of discouragement found in a competitive selling environment and also can be used to express gratitude, admiration, and to inspire to greater sales and greater sales initiative (FB Publications, 2005). Our new compensation plan will adopt a combination of base salary plus commission and bonus based on the overall performance. Perhaps the most important objective of any pay system is fairness or equity (Cascio, 2005, p. 419). To ensure the correctness of our plan, a committee has been created  to evaluate each employee performance, keep our compensation plan current and provide support and training at any time needed. We are also taking in consideration that our payment plan should include a three-tier approach of immediate recognition for a job well done, short-term rewards for performance over a month or quarter, and long-term rewards for being a loyal employee over the years (Schoeffler, 2005). -Salary: a monthly salary will be based on the job description of each position and it has the possibility of be complimented and enhanced depending of the employee performance. -Commission: a percentage of the profit will be used to increase the monthly employee compensation. -Bonus: bonuses will be given based on the performance of the sales individual each three months. Percentages will be given according to the goals met, or exceeded, so sales reps will rely on their individual performance. -Team incentives: Team incentives provide an opportunity for each team member to receive a bonus based on the output of the team as a whole (Cascio, 2005, p. 443). Sales personnel will have participation on this incentive to promote a teamwork environment. These events will happen at the end of the year. -On spot bonus: This is going to be granted for exceptional behavior regarding to teamwork efforts, customer satisfaction or any attitude that can be used as an example to the other workers. We may reward the worker with a one-time bonus of $50, $100, or $500 shortly after the noteworthy actions (Cascio, 2005, p. 441). -Incentives When it comes to performance incentives, the possibilities are endless (Cascio, 2005, p. 436), and we plan to use nonfinancial reward system that will include anything an employee values and desires that an  employer is able and willing to offer in exchange for employee contributions (Cascio, 2005, p. 418). Based on the answers compiled from the questionnaire we created, we will develop some entertaining activities such as trips, restaurants, theaters and any other approved selection available in our committee that will be available each three months and also at the end of the year. In our committee we will also make available the following benefits that our employees can choose to participate on:-Employee stock ownership plans As the company grows we will offer participation in the stocks of our company and a limited amount of them available to each employee for purchase. It helps to fulfill a philosophical belief in employee ownership 447. ESOPs do promote an increase in employee willingness to participate in company decisions. Companies that take advantage of that willingness can harness employees energy and creativity (Cascio, 2005, p. 447). -Recognition is a non financial reward and helps to enhance a workers sense of self-respect and esteem by others (Cascio, 2005, p. 418). These recognitions will be done in the yearly meetings where all employees are going to be together and have the opportunity to see their colleagues performance is rewarded. Recognition amongst their peers is still the quintessential motivator, whether theres an incentive program or not (Shearstone)Recent data indicates that people are more attached and committed to organizations that offer family-friendly policies, regardless of the extent to which they benefit personally from the policies (Cascio, 2005, p. 489), therefore our plan also cover other benefits that will be extend to all employees regardless merit or performance. Once you have great employees on board, how do you keep them from jumping ship? One way is by offering a good benefits package. (Entrepreneur Media, Inc, n.d.)†¢Tuition aid†¢Auto insurance†¢Fitness and wellness programs†¢Counseling Service†¢Child adoption†¢Child care Social activities†¢Elder care Referral awards†¢Charter flights Family leaves†¢Flexible work arrangementsWe also developed some benefits options that will  integrate salary and benefits into a package that will encourage the achievement of an organizations goals (Cascio, 2005, p. 470). They will be available to all employees and they can choose among them all. †¢Life insurance†¢Disability insurance†¢Healthy insurance†¢Other medical coverage†¢Sick leave†¢Pension plans†¢Unemployment insurance†¢401KEvidence indicates that the perceived value of benefits rises when employers introduce choice through a flexible benefits package (Cascio, 2005, p. 466). For that reason we expect that this pay system will bring excitement to our workforce since the opportunities are vary. This pay system should also increase motivation of our employees and deepens commitment with our customer to bring success to both the individual and the company. Following are pointed some reason that we expect to succeed with this new plan. -The final compensation at the end of the month has the opportunity to be largely increased according to the employee performance, but yet, the base salary is high enough to give the employees some breathing in order to meet the essential financial obligations. -Commissions, bonuses and team incentives. -Variety of employee services and benefits. -Friendly and family environmentBefore our pay system is implemented training will be given to all employees to ensure understanding of it. A website will be available to answer most common questions and our committee will also be available for further explanation and training as needed. References Cascio, W. F. (2005). Managing Human Resources (7th ed.). : The McGraw−Hill Companies. Entrepreneur Media, Inc (n.d.). The Basics of Employee Benefits. Retrieved April 20, 2009, from Publications (2005). Sale Incentive Ideas Motivating Your Sales Team. Retrieved April 17, 2009, from, M. L. (2009). 9 Key Aspects For Successful Pay For Performance Systems. Retrieved from, B. (2005). Employee Incentive Plans: Make Them Worthwhile. Insurance Journal. Retrieved from, P. (). Creating Sales Incentive Programs That Work., 2. Retrieved from, S. (). 6 Sure Ways to Increase Sales. Retrieved from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Problems Of The Red Tide Environmental Sciences Essay

The Problems Of The Red Tide Environmental Sciences Essay The term red tide is a misnomer as it does not associated with tides. It is used to described as a phenomenon microalgal species growing very fast or bloom and is caused by the growth and accumulation of microscopic algae (single-celled marine plants) called phytoplankton (Anton, A. et al, 1998). These algal blooms become so numerous that they can discolour coastal waters.To the scientists they prefer to call them as algal blooms or HABs These algal bloom may cause oxygen depletion in the waters and/or release toxins that may cause illness in humans and other animals. Red tide is a global phenomenon. Since 1980s harmful red tide events have become more frequent and widespread. The major factors influencing red tide events include warm ocean surface temperatures, low salinity, high nutrient content, calm seas, and rain followed by sunny days during the summer months. In addition, algaerelated to red tide can spread or be carried long distances by winds, currents, storms, or ships. Red tide has affected my countries all over the world including South East Asia and Sabah in Malaysia. The first report of HABs and shellfish toxicity in Malaysia was in 1976 when the marine dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense var. Compressum bloomed in Brunei Bay on the west coast of Sabah (Roy 1977). The study by Anton, A. et al (2000) found 11 species in both the West and East Coast of Sabah and all the species densities were below 100 cells/L which is far below the densities to consider to be a bloom, which values are more than 103 cells/L. This is because too many blooms are unhealthy for coastlines because an over abundance of blooms can lead to suffocating low-oxygen conditions for fish, and increased diseases in seafood. Below shows the distribution of PSP toxin in the world between 1970 and 2006. Figure 1: Comparison of PSP Toxin distribution in the world between 1970 and 2006 2.0 The problem of red tide Since there are many factors influencing the events of red tide, it has caused a lot of concern and problems to sicientists especially the marine biologists. A lot of research has been carried out such as Harmful Algal Blooms in Malaysia: Revisiting Kimanis Bay by Anton al (2000); Lipid and DNA features of Gonyaulax fragilis (Dinophyceae) as potential biomarkers in mucilage genesis by M. Riccardi et al. available online on 25 January 2010; Effects of temperature, salinity and irradiance on growth of the novel red tide glagellate Chattonella 1 ovata (Raphidophyceae) by a group of scientics lead by Haruo Yamaguchi Available online on 13 February 2010 and many others has being carried out. The presence of red tide impose a severe burden on the affected country (Gires U. et al, 2002). The problem is compounded by wide adoption of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) protocols which require that seafood is certified as safe and wholesome for consumption by monitoring the natural toxins. Red tide has also caused mass mortalities of wild and farm fish and shellfish, human illness and death from contaminated shellfish or fish, death of marine mammals, seabirds, and other animals, and alterring the marine habitats or trophic structure. In 1972, Massachusetts has declared a state of emergency because of red tide bloom. (Esterbrook, J. 2005). It has caused the shellfish industry about $3 million per week. Although until today there are nothing much marine biologist can do to eliminate red tide problems, however, with the technological advancement such as satellite imagery have enable the scientist to better track and monitor the harmful algal booms. By tracking and monitoring these blooms has helps to reduce harmful effects of the algae by providing early warnings against eating infected shellfish and against swimming in infected water. Sophitiscated instruments to test for the presence of red tide algae in coastal waters have been developd by the Sarasota Operations Coastal Oceans Observation Laboratory. NASA Earth Observatory has develop programmes such as SeaWiFS (Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor) and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) instruments to detect harmful algal bloom from space. Autonomus underwater vehicles (AUVs) equipped with temperature and salinity meters as well as a Breve-Buster, which is an instrument that collects water samples and determines the levels of red-tide causing algae by shining a light through the sample and noting the light absorbing characteristics within the sample (indicative of these algae) is also used in the research of red tide. Although red tide events can be avoided, reseachers are attempting to develop an antidote to the red tide toxins. Interestingly, while developing such anti-toxins, researchers have found a possible treatment for cystic fibrosis. 3 Methods used to collect samples Traditionally, light microscope is used to estimate the population of zooplankton in the water. An example of the equipment used is as shown in Fig.2 below. Figure 2. A representation of the volume of water being sampled by a plankton net from a depth of 3 meters. The amount of water sampled and how to properly enumerate the organisms in the sample is important. This is because the amount of water sampled can be considered equalto the amount of water that passes through the plankton net. Since the opening of the plankton net is circular, the amount of water that passes through the net from a specific depth to the surface would be similar in shape to the cylinder. Therefore, the formula for the volume of a cylinder is, V= Ã‚ °R2 x H. By applying this formula the amount of water sampled through the plankton net can be calculated. Once the plankton has been captured in the filter canister at the bottom of the plankton net, small volume (1ml) sub-samples can be placed under the microscope so that each plankton organism can be counted. Finally, the total number of plankton within the sampled water can be calculated by extrapolation. This number can then be extrapolated so that the total number of plankton in the seawater can be estimated. Figure 3. Custom-fabricated pucks for the 2G ESP shown L to R as sample collection and filtration, array processing, and FISH archival. Quarter shown for size. However, recently there is a shift from using traditional ligh microscopy to molecular approaches for identifying and quantifying marine harmful algal bloom (HAB) species has been driven by the need to expedite sample processing for both research and monitoring purposes (Anderson 1995; Scholin et al. 1996). In addition, light microscopy has limitation to sufficient resolution to discern species when compared to electron microscopy. Some methods used to accurately identify HABs in a fast manner are fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) (Lim et al. 1993), fluorescently labeled antibodies and lectins (Sako et al. 1996), sandwich hybridization (Scholin et al. 1996), probe arrays (Loy et al. 2002), environmental sample processor (ESP) (Scholin et al. 2001) and a variety of nucleic acid amplification methods that target specific signature sequences. However, most of these techniques require ccess to shore-based laboratories for sample processing and analysis, which can be both time and labour intensive. Most of the methods mentioned above are very technical and require researchers who are well verse in handling the equipment and also thoroughly understand the methods used. It takes time to prepare, process and image analysing of the samples collected, and interpreting the results. An example of the equipment used in ESP is the puck as shown below. 4. Application and implications of biology Implications of red tide Environmental implication There are many species of red tide that release harmful toxins. Among the harmful species found in the United States are: Alexandrium fundyense found along the Atlantic coast from the Canadian maritimes to southern New England Alexandrium catenella found along the Pacific coast from California to Alaska Karenia brevis found in the Gulf of Mexico along the west coast of Florida Alexandrium species Dinophysis species Macroalgal Blooms Figure 4: Different species of red tide Although red tide algae make potent natural toxins but it is unknown why these toxin are created, but some can be hazadous to larger organisms through the processess of biomagnification and bioaccumulation. Grazers such as fish and krill are unaffected by the toxins, so when they eat the algae to toxins are concentrated and accumulated to a level that is poisonous to other aquatic lives such as bigger fish that feed on them. Then when mammals such as birds, man, etc. consume these fish they will either contracted diseases or they can cause death. Diseases that may affect humans include: 1. Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) This disease is caused by the production of saxitoxin by the Alexandrium species and they are common along the Atlantic and Pacific Coast in the US and Canada (Monica Bruckner, Montana State University). Poisoning occurs when on ingests shellfish contaminated with PSP toxins causing disruption of nerve function and paralysis. In extreme cases it may result in death due to asphyxiation. 2. Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) This disease is caused by the Dinophysis species. It generally occurs in Japan and Europe, but it has been found in other countries such as Canada, the US, Chile, New Zealand, and Thailand. Symptoms of DSP include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and cramps. However, DSP is generally not fatal. 3. Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP) Amnesic shellfish poisoning has been found along the eastern Canadian coast. It is caused by domoic acid producing planktonic and benthic algae, including Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries and Amphora coffaeformis. It can also found in soft shell clams and blue mussels infected by Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima. It causes gastricand neurological symptoms including dizziness, disorientation and memory loss. ASP Domoic Acid and Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning DSP Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning PSP Saxitoxin and Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Figure 5: Different types of poisoning caused by red tide Red tide has also caused substantial impact to the ecosystem that include a reduction in light penetration, a reduction in the extent of seagrass beds and a reduction in the growth rates of hard clams. Further, red tide caused mass mortalities of mussel populations in Rhode Island and in Long Island waters, Recurrent blooms have had severe impact on bay scallops, affecting more than 80% of New Yorks commercially valuable harvest. Acute or chronic exposure to red tide and their toxins either directly or through the food web, puts the affected population at increased risk (Anderson, D. 2007). Economic implication In 2005, the massive red tide outbreak in New England has caused the shellfish industry to lose $3 million per week and forcing the Massachusetts to declare a state of emergency. This has lead to the shellfisherman to raise their prices especially for the shellfish industry. The 2009 paralytic shellfish poisoning (red tide) occuring in Maine, Portsmouth, New England has caused devastating economic impact where Maine authority estimates that there were 89,000 acres of productive shellfish in the state waters and at that time more than 97% of these resources were closed due to red tide (Anderson, D. (2007). Further, there had been unusual reports of mortality events of both short-nose sturgeon and eider ducks which were suspected to be caused by the transfer of red tide toxicity through the food web to these larger animals. The first paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) case recorded in Sabah in 1976 where 202 victims were reported to be suffering from PSP and 7 deaths. (Roy 1977). This event has caused significant economic losses to fishermen because the public are afraid to consume all types of seafood during the bloom event which lasted two to three weeks. Then in 1991, three people were taken ill after consuming green mussel (Perna viridis) cultured at a newly established mussel form in Sebatu Malacca (Gires, U. et al 2002). Symptoms suggested that of intoxication due to algal toxins were confirmed by testing the extracts from mussles collected during the event confirmed the presence of toxins caused by dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamiyavanichi. Further, in September 2001, six people were taken ill after consuming lokan (Polymesoda sp.) collected from a coastal lagoon (Sungai Ubi) in Tumpat Kelantan and one of the victim died with symptom suggested intoxication due to algal toxins (Usup et al. 2000). Picture 4: A spectacular red tide bloom (non-toxic) of Noctiluca scintillans in New Zealand NSP Brevetoxins and Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning PSP Saxitoxin and Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning Figure 6: The economic loss due to the effect of red tide Societal Implication Although the impact of red tide (algal blooms) events are more associated to the environmental impact as well as economic impact, however, the presence to these events have also affected the recreation, tourism and local aesthetics by diminishing the qualities of the environment (Anderson, A. 2007). This can manifest in a variety of ways in different regions of the country. Some examples are: Massive fish mortalities that result in fish accumulating on beaches Clossure of receational fisheries Respiratory ailments experienced by beachgoers from aerosolized toxins Unsightly and noxious piles of macroalgae that accumulate and decompose on beaches Discolouration of water Mortalities of protected species and modification of their habitats Working patterns can also be disrupted when fisherman seek alternative occupations or sources of income and restaurants seek alternate suppliers for their seafood. Boat charter reservations and pier attendance for recreational activities will be disrupted, vacations ruined and some may never visit an impacted region again. In addition to that, people who have retired to coastal or lake shore homes may find their property values adversely affected when red tide or harmful algal blooms (HABs) frequently occur. Division of Environmental Hazards and Health Effects from the National Centre for Environmental Health, Communicable Disease Control (CDC), Atlanta is also very concern with the frequent occurrence of red tide (HABs) events all over the world. This has lead them to work with investigators from local, state, and federal health agencies of the country concerned to assess the respiratory effects of: Recreational exposure to red tide toxins dispersed in the air. For example, in 2003, CDC completed and reported a pilot study oftwo separate red tide events in Florida. Occupational exposure to red tide toxins dispersed in the air. For example, CDC has collected respiratory-function data from Flrida lifeguards who worked during a red tide event. Red algae bloom at Leigh, near Cape Rodney. This massive red tide of the dinoflagellate Noctiluca stretched for more than 20 miles along the southern California coast. Non-toxic blooms such as these can cause extensive mortalities of plants and animals in shallow waters when the bloom biomass decays, stripping oxygen from the water. Figure 7: Red Tide occurrence 5.0 Benefits and risk to humans, other organisms and environment The site of seeing red tide at the beach indicate that there is something unusual has occurred in the sea especially at the site of the event. As discussed in details above, red tide occurrence has been widespread all over the world. They have caused many implications to the environment, ecosystem and the living organisms that depended on the equatic lives to live. Among the risk to humans are not only man are not able swim in the beaches, lost in tourism but by the exposure to these events can cause harmful effect to the health of the population living nearby. Besides, the toxins produced by the harmful algal blooms have caused extensive mortalities to plants and animals when the bloom biomass decays, stripping oxygen from the water. It has also cause shellfish fisherman to loose million of dollars in income because of the fear to consume shellfish during red tide seasons. However, with many research being carried out from time to time on red tides or harmful algal blooms (HABs), man has learn a lot about the causes to the occurrence of these events. Sophisticated instruments have been designed and built such as SeaWiFS (Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor) and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) instruments to detect harmful algal bloom from space. Autonomus underwater vehicles (AUVs) equipped with temperature and salinity meters as well as a Breve-Buster, which is an instrument that collects water samples and determines the levels of red-tide causing algae by shining a light through the sample and noting the light absorbing characteristics within the sample (indicative of these algae) is also used in the research of red tide. All these instruments are used to track and monitor these blooms and have help to reduce harmful effects of the algae by providing early warnings against eating infected shellfish and against swimming in infe cted water. Research carried out by Peterson, J. 2004 with red tide toxin yields potential therapies for cystic firbosis. In the research, experiments conducted with both the compounds; ÃŽÂ ²-Naphthoyl-bevetoxin and brevenal (a natural compound produced by red tide) in sheep revealed that both the compounds were able to block the effects of the red tide toxin on the respiratory system. While conducting the experiments an even more important discovery prevailed the anti-toxins behaved much like drugs used to treat cystic fibrosis because these compounds helps to speed up the clearance of mucus from the lungs. According to Danial Baden, Ph.D., director of University of North Carolina in Wilmingtons Centre of Marine Science and director of the project, mucociliary clearance is one of the most important defense systems in the lungs, protecting the airways from bacteria and pollutants. Tests conducted in sheeps also showed that these compounds to be effective at doses 1 million times lower than t he current medications used in the treatment of cystic fibrosis and they have no side effects. 6.0 Alternatives views or solutions for implications of biology encountered One of the ways to control red tide or harmful algal blooms (HABs) is to reduce excess pollutants and key nutrients from being released into coastal ocean areas. From the environmental perspective, taking steps to reduce pollution would also reduce HAB occurrences. For HABs, reducing nitrogen release is especially important; however, this is also one of the most difficult pollutants to control as it comes from a wide range of widely used agriculture chemicals such as fertilizers and fossil fuels. Therefore, efficient and effective dissemination of useful information about HABs to the populations that live in the coastal areas is important. Subsequently, controlling harmful algal blooms (HABs) using chemicals, fine clay particles or biological agents should be studied further. Although the potential dangers of chemical or biological agents should be known, they also hold great promise in controlling unwanted toxic phytoplankton populations. Under some circumstances, dispersal of fine clay particles over a bloom has seen some sucess, as the clay aggregates with itself and with other particles in the water (including HAB cells) and pulls the harmful algae to bottom sediments. Control techniques in the context of risk assessments, similar to those applied in evaluating land-based agriculture, should be purseued with HABs. Better monitoring systems and detection methods on HABs need to be further developed. Government and multinational companies and philantrophies such be encouraged to fund monitoring programs and research. In addition, the medical community should be better informed and prepared to treat individuals suffering from HAB toxicity. Individuals visiting or living on the shore or consume seafood also need to be better informed about the risks. Overall, scientiests need to be encourage to investigate HAB controland mitigation strategies. This is because it is easier to pursue basic or fundamental science, rather than taking on the challenging and highly visible practical research that tries to control blooms. There are surely technologies that we have not even considered or explore yet that will be effective if scientists and engineers are given the resources and encouragement to pursue control and mitigation research. 7.0 Conclusion Red tides and harmful algal blooms is one of the important areas where the biologist can seriously undertake in their research. This is because there are many factors that can cause HABs or red tides. Once it occur, it will cause much harm to the environment, aquatic ecosystem, lost of income to the shellfish and fishery industries and the health of the populations exposed and staying in the coastal areas will be affected. Therefore, it needs a concerted multi-prong effort from not only the biologists but also the agencies involved; be it governmental or public, and last but not the least the affected populations and individuals at large to help find effective mitigation solutions to the problems at stake.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Taylor and AJ, both now twenty years old, have known each other since they were in first grade. They spent the majority of their time during high school in a relationship with each other. In December of 2013, a year and a half out of high school, they were planning to get married until a surprise deployment was sending AJ to Afghanistan. Because time no longer allowed for a December wedding, they chose to take their vows just days before he was sent overseas. The couple made this life-long decision together, so upon AJ’s return from deployment, he would be able to arrive at an apartment that Taylor has already made a home for them. Taylor has gotten a fair amount of negative feedback about her marrying a military man at a young age from individuals who know her directly or indirectly. When asked how she feels about those comments and how, if at all, they affect her, she tells me that they have no effect on her at all. She explains that she understands that she is at a differen t level of her life than many people at her age and she just hopes that those people who are aiming negativity toward her get to one day experience the happiness that she has received from her relationship and marriage. Taylor is nothing but over joyed and happy with how her life has developed into one that she is able to share with her best friend until death do they part. Despite some of the negative comments that Taylor has experienced, the amount of support she receives from her family and other military wives and girlfriends is tremendous. She reveals to me that her mother has raised her alone and that she has been one of the most supportive people in this experience. The decisions she has made along the way to marry AJ was not revealed to have any negat... ... of our foreign affairs. It has been shown that families of service men or women begin to suffer more than in the past (Lamanna & Riedmann, 2012, p. 58). The fact that Taylor does not foresee any damages caused with her husband’s military career results in concern for her and her family’s future. The interview performed with Taylor has allowed another to see the success that young marriages and military relationships can have. Although not all relationships work out this way, it is very refreshing to see the happiness that has been brought to Taylor and AJ’s life. It was expressed that it is very difficult for Taylor to be away from AJ, but it’s all worth it because of love. One may believe that love is not always enough, but for this couple it is. They deserve all the support in the world for being so willing to be together at such a difficult time for our society.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Self-mutilation Essay -- essays research papers

There are many different definitions for self-mutilations, also known as self-injury, self-harm, or self-inflicted violence. One definition of self-mutilation is that is any self-directed, repetitive behavior that causes physical injury. Another definition is that self-mutilation is self-inflicted physical harm severe enough to cause tissue damage done without suicidal intent. This is just one example of the blurriness of the boundaries of self-mutilation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is very hard to pin point exactly who or why people self-mutilate, however there are known risk factors. The known risk factors are: the female gender, of adolescence and college age, involved in substance abuse, having a personality disorder, and having a history of self-mutilation. This does not limit the occurrence of self-mutilation within other genders or other ages. For example it is not very common that elderly people will self-injure, but there are clinical reports of it occurring in this age group before. The occurrence of self-injury can not be defined to one particular group of people. People who self-mutilate can be survivors of abuse, people who have eating disorders, or people who suffer from substance abuse. It can also occur in homes where there is violence with an inhibition of verbally expressing their emotions, or in a home that loses a parent do to death or divorce. However you can not limit this illness to people who are more susceptible, i t also occurs in teachers, medical professionals, lawyers, engineers, and high-achieving high-school students.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  People most commonly use self-injury as a coping mechanism; to relieve the tension or distress. People say that self-mutilating lets them â€Å"forget† about any feelings that they want to free themselves from. If the person uses the cutting self-mutilation they may feel that seeing the blood gives them a sense of well-being and strength. This would give them a feeling of empowerment, and they feel in control by enduring the pain that they inflict on themselves. Along with the feeling of releasing their tension and frustration there are other factors that can lead to self-injury. One of these factors is the lack or a role model, or the feeling of invalidation. Most people who self injure were chronically invalidated as a child, which led them to having a feeling of worthlessness. I... other impulse control disorders and help to control the impulse of people who self-mutilate. There are also psychotherapeutic approaches, such as psychodynamic psychotherapy. This is the most common form of individual therapy. This therapy teaches self-mutilators more healthy ways to deal with negative things. Another psychotherapeutic approach would be dialectical behavior therapy; this therapy combines cognitive, behavioral, and supportive interventions. Self-mutilation is an unfortunate issue that people have to deal with, but with support from their families and friends, it can be resolved. One important thing to remember is that self-mutilation is not a failed suicide attempt. Also, people who self-injure are not bad people; they are just people that have to deal with some overwhelming issues that they don’t know how to deal with otherwise. Sources: Fong, Timothy. â€Å"Self-mutilation: Impulsive traits suggest new drug therapies.† Self-mutilation. Feb. 2003. Dec. 15, 2004 . Martisnson, Deb. â€Å"Self Injury Fact Sheet.† Self Injury Fact Sheet. 1999. Dec. 15, 2004 . â€Å"Self-mutilation: the truth behind the shame.† Over view of self-injury, self-mutilation. 2000. Dec. 15, 2004 .

Capital Punishment †The Debate Continues :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

As the war on crime continues, two truths hold steady: eliminating all crime is impossible, and controlling it is a must. The main weapon used to control crime in this war is deterrence. The government's deterrent for committing murder is the death penalty. The fear of death will not deter every person who contemplates murder from doing it. Whether it is for religious reasons and the hope of salvation or something else, stopping some people is not possible (Cohen 48). The intent is not to stop those people, but instead every other would-be killer. Capital Punishment has been in the national spotlight for many years and the center of the debate still remains whether it actually deters would be offenders. Does this age-old penalty for the ultimate sin achieve its goal? There are many lofty and rational arguments on both sides of this issue. Advocates of the death penalty claim that the primary reason for this harsh punishment is that the fear of death discourages people from committing murder. The main ways in which they support this theory are: the severity of the punishment, various polls of citizens and prisoners, and two in particular studies. The most obvious deterring justification is the severity of punishment (Calebresi 19). This means, put simply, to punish for a crime in a way that the punishment outweighs the crime. If the punishment for robbing a bank is to spend one day in jail, then bank robbing would become a daily occurance. On the same note, if there is a reward for a lost item of jewelry and the reward is less than the selling price for that jewelry, the finder has no reason to bring it back. On the other hand, if the reward exceeds the value of the jewelry, the new owner will bring it back very promptly. In the case of capital punishment, if a person wants someone dead badly enough, and the punishment for murder is a short stay in prison, what will possibly keep that person from doing the unthinkable (Van Den Haag 68). If a person is afraid for their life, then the stakes for their actions are much higher, probably even too high for most people. Many psychologists believe that these "stakes" do not even have to be in conscious thought for them to work. The theory is that a person's conscience weighs out many factors in all instances. While a would-be offender might be contemplating the deed, the death penalty imbeds itself into that person's subconscience as a possible consequence of their actions, and thus the

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Landscape, Spirit, and Music Essay

Anne Boyd’s â€Å"Landscape, Spirit, and Music: An Australian Story† is a substantive view on the integration of the landscape of a distinct culture represented by aboriginal beliefs and traditions to Australia’s inimitable non-Indigenous music industry. Boyd said, â€Å"it is possible to see something of the significance of music in constructing an ‘inspirited’ relationship with landscape as part of a possible process of ‘aboriginalization’ which is slowly affecting all of Australia’s non-indigenous inhabitants. † Boyd sought to prove her assumptions by presenting various evidences in the works of famous Australian composers such as Ross Edwards, Peter Sculthorpe, and David Lumsdaine, including the artistry of Tommy Barrtjap as a musician. The landscape that Boyd was referring to with regards to the influences of some non-Indigenous Australian composers encompasses the history of Australia, the culture of its indigenous people, as well as the physical landscape or environment that makes the country matchless in beauty and whereiwthal. The history of Australia serves as the backdrop or milieu from which the composers were able to structure their unique, meaningful, and poignant music. Furthermore, the culture of Australia’s indigenous peoples becomes the inspiration for musicians or composers to create something exclusive and distinctive. Thus, the musicians and composers that Boyd mentioned in her discussions were able to create a kind of music that channels mysticism, spirituality, and the metaphysical, representative of Australia’s indigenous culture. Boyd said that â€Å"All three composers [Ross, Edwards & Schulthorpe] have drawn upon birdsong, not literally, but in a mythical and ritual sense; birds thus become spiritual messengers linking human music and landscape. † The great influence of Australia’s history and the indigenous culture of its native inhabitants is expected, as argued by Schultz . Schultz said that the emergence of a unique and distinctive music is most likely, particularly in Australia because â€Å"the existence of diverse immigrant population, a sense of real or imagined isolation, insecurity about the presence of a national character†¦ unique natural features such as climate, geography and flora and fauna, a pre-existing and extant culture with a strong and individual civilization, high standards of education with concomitant levels of artistic self-awareness, and substantial government subsidization of artistic activity† are dynamic and influential factors that would encourage such devotion and revolution in making and producing music for the sake of art. Furthermore, Lim believes that the growing interest of non-Indigenous Australian musicians to the history of Australia and culture of its Indigenous peoples as landscapes to developing music has something to do with the stipulation of these composers to develop a unique kind of music and a pe rsonal identity as a musician or composer. Lim said â€Å"Aboriginal cultures continue to be used by artists as a marker of authenticity in the construction of an Australian identity of sense of nationality. † By and large, Boyd’s discussions as supported by the narratives and arguments presented by Schultz and Lim explicate the great weight or importance of Indigenous culture in Australia as well as its history in helping musicians and composers create music that represents nationalism and establish a unique and inimitable identity. Works Cited Boyd, Anne. 2007. â€Å"Landscape, Spirit and Music,† in The Soundscapes of Australia: Music, Place and Spiritually. Richards, Fiona (Burlington, VT: Ashgate), pp. 11-18. Lim, Liza. â€Å"Crossing Cultural Boundaries and Ecstatic Transformation,† Sounds Australian 26 (2006), 10-11. Schultz, Andrew. â€Å"Other Places, Whose Music? : Some Introductory Comments on Appropriation and Tradition,† Sounds Australian 20 (1991): 8-9.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

KFC †Marketing Strategy Essay

The purpose of this paper is to critic anyy evaluate the merchandise strategies of KFC (Kentucky fried Chicken). The search wee-weeer will crumble how the governance creates exceed quantify and builds intemperate human race to amaze cherish from clients in harvest-home. The paper explores facts for twist and take holding bank adequate guest race by delivering splendid evaluate and satisfaction. The researcher is freeing to beautifyigate the amicable obligations of the association to nurture on the regard organizationalpolicies on the environment, community, wellspringness of the consumer and physical exertion of purchasable resource At the end the researcher will pop the question how the conjunction privy instauration node driven groceryplaceplaceing schema for acquiring, retaining and attracting current nodes. The paper similarly foc uses on cr feeding prime(pre nominative) grade and satisfaction through and through blissful merch andise and communication programmes.INTRODUCTIONKFC which stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken organize in 1930 and establish in Louisville is the judgmentions celebrated crybaby restaurants chain modifiedizing in master copy recipe, extra crispy, Kentucky grilled chicken and so forth Everyday to a greater conclusion(prenominal) than 12 cardinal customers argon servicingd in more(prenominal) than 109 countries and regions. KFC operates more than 800 restaurants in UK, more than 5200 restaurants in the States and more than 15,000 restaurants skillful nearly the globe. KFC is p guile of YUM defects corporation, the worlds pear-shapedst restaurant sm blind set in terms of t affectk restaurants with more than 36,000 locations around the world. The club is ranked 239 on jeopardy 500 list, with receipts in superfluous of $11 measureion in 2008.KFC is as committed to the environment as we ar to our victuals and to our customers. We atomic number 18 naughty of th e steps we gestate interpreted so utter nigh to abridge our environmental foot fool and atomic number 18 committed as a sc attaint to do even so more in the in future. Its an on-going voyage that were on and we want to keep you our customers informed a colossal the way KFC introduced origin reusable speedy nourishment container in 2010. The attach to replaced m on the wholeeable plates with paper part boxes and reduced use of non-re pertlyable resources exchangeable styro scintillate from the restaurants. By 2011 the friendship will reduce foam and plastic use by 62% and 11% respectively. Note You go off chasten the inherent history of the corporation at http// approximately/pdf/timeline.pdf merchandiseIt is the process by which the go with creates value for the customers, builds strong kin with the consumers and captures value in return. (Kotler, 2007) Lets use the simple model of loting process to assess the secrets behind the winner of KFC.UN DERSTANDING THE merchandiseThe basic intellect behind the achievement of KFC is their competency to comprehend the commercialiseplace and necessarily of the customers. KFC conducts consumer research to go coarse length in breeding ab off their regimen market, competitors and customers. Consumers wants are contented by providing first-rate value and satisfaction. separate factors behind such a resonating winner are the capability of troupe to infrastand whom to cash in ones chips along, how to serve by integrating customer driven merchandising strategy and how to capture the value in return to build long term economicness. The partnership has adopted the opinion of increasing the conduct of the customers rather than increasing mathematical harvest-time market share.CHOOSING A VALUE PROPOSITION by and by successful departmentation the troupe decides about how it will serve the customers to dissimilariate and model itself in the market place. Through value proposition the union creates set of benefits that assure itself as a subvention fault in the market. the semipolitical party interprets brilliant diet and dining experience to kids, families and visitors in put up to disc everywhere dinning and to diametricaliate itself from competitors. The guild chaps crossroads that reach out most in step, implementation and taste. everywheredue to function point nature of the cordial reception industry the go with maintains customer-centred sense of trade by evolution the right carrefourions for their customers kinda of finding the right customer for their harvest-feasts. commercializeING STRATEGYThe primary goal of develop a customer driven marketing strategy is to build strong and gainful relationship with the customers for accomplishing short and long-term organizational goals. Through market segmentation, maneuvering and positioning the social club divides its over all market into smaller segments to be ser ved soundly. It identifies the needs of the tar annoy market by look ating the most lustrous segments and thusly delivers bounteousness value in pitch to treasure customer satisfaction and obedience. In auberge to design a best marketing strategy and marketing mix the caller-out determines use of environmental digest, marketing analysis, cookery, capital punishment and control measures.To survive and be warlike in the market KFC designs customer oriented strategies to win customers from their competitors and to grow by delivering professional value. The foc applys is aware about the equal of having dissatisfied customers who disparage the products to early(a) individuals. Therefore they design products and services that are appealing to all the consumers.MARKET SEGMENTATIONAt premiere place the lodge decides whom it will serve? By dividing the object lens market into distinguishable segments like Family, Kids, Visitors, Tourists, Professionals, age, region, civilization etc and then developing superior value for specific segments. grocery segmentation enables the society to select and serve only those segments offering the best probability for achieving the organizational goals and objectives. Consumers are grouped and served establish on demographic and geopgraphic factors. The segmentation too enable the family to analyze the behavioral patterns, affordability, best communication and delivery contri only ife. station MARKETINGAfter the careful survival of the fittest of the segments, the beau monde evaluates the attractiveness and profitability of available segments. found on such findings the conjunction selects segments pledging for superior customer value, generating more profitability and where it can digest value over time.MARKET POSITIONINGIn do to make a clear, distinctive and preferable product hear in the lead the tar piss market KFC makes use of militant credit rating to get usable info about their compe titors for gaining competitive advantage in the market, benefiting from scratch mover advantage (FMA) and for having a competitive prices. The ships company sustains the competitive advantage by having small-scaleer prices than competitors and providing more benefits. The company variantiates itself through by recogniseing customer the true and appreciating staffs or customers input for customizing their calling card. A nonher useful tactic used by the company is the selection of medium through which the information is distri plainlyed (disseminated) to the general customary formaintaining the desirable bell ringer recognition and picture. The company effectively uses all the available media (print, electronic etc) for targeting the potential customers and creating a distinct corporate project.MARKETING intermixtureIt is the set of controllable tactical marketing tools that the company blends in order to get the desired response from the target market (Kotler, 2005). It in cludes everything that the company aspires to influence demand in the target market. intersection pointKFC offers tasty and comfortable support to customer at nominal prices. The company produces products for family, kids and deal of age groups to appoint dinning. Although company has done a hooking for offering tonus viands to the target market and critics point that hamburgers, friend chicken, fries, and snacks contain spirited fat and season. close totimes meals are tops(predicate) sized leading to over eating and becoming an evident cause of fleshiness epidemic. Although the products are wrapped in at ease packaging just raise demands for handling substantial waste and pollution. KFC being the largest betting victuals supplier generates tons of upstanding waste every day where profound percentage isnt recyclable and lasts extended on the landfills. Therefore in the shorter scat the company is firm consumer needs neverthe slight creating environmental pro blems in the longer crusade.The company has a reputable image and scar name in the world for producing quality sustenance with essential nutritions, healthy ingredients, low kilocalories and drinks containing needed minerals. Customers can easily get the information about the products from the companys website with guidance on how the product is do, customer can as well as customize product on their own premises and modify the ingredients to their likings. All the burgers are filled with chicken breast only. deep the company invest The company invests 1 million per annum to tack on to nutritionaryly superior postgraduate oleic rapeejaculate anoint colour following that of late company inform to use only extravagantly oleic rape ejaculate oil in all products and aborting the use of palm oil.The company has phase portray of things distinguishing itself from the competitorsoperating within the aforesaid(prenominal) industry. Some of the defining aspects distingui shing company from its competitors are calorie-free to cook food, elegant packaging and stipulation value. Buyers dont estimate the products values and woo objectively and are only persuaded by comprehend image of the company and its food in the market.PRICEThe company deploys yield direction to come up with competitive prices for their products. The prices are really low due to large matter of satisfyers penetrating in the same market or industry and satisfying consumer needs. More than anything its the brand indistinguishability influencing muckle to acquire the product. The company similarly uses Augmented Product concept in order to boost the sales, provide fussy discounts and schemes for rewarding loyalty. The company has s diverse prices for diametrical segments based on number of servings.PLACEMENTSThe company greatly emphasizes on customer convenience for obtaining products/services in that respectfore keep designed free standing outlets so that customers are non few minutes walk out from the outlet, suburbs, cities or high street. The outlets are positioned at all study shopping malls, initiate stations, cities, city centres and suburbs so the cost of make the market, acquiring and dis seance the product is low. Apart from expressing boneheaded concerns for customer health issues the company now interacts with the target market by providing doorbell free number and facility to go online for reserving orders. The company has likewise adopted the concept of Direct market where consumers can deal virtually anything without going to the outlet by telephone, mail-order catalogue or by visit online. KFC uses or for direct marketing.PROMOTIONKFC deploys different activities for communicating the merits of their products and persuading customers to obtain their products/services. The company uses print and electronic media to target the potential customersand for maintaining a distinctive image of their produc ts/service before the everyday. KFC has the presence on different social websites such as Facebook, Flickr and Linkedin to promote the products. The company spends considerable amount of money for publicize and Selling.The marketing experts design different TV Ads for promoting the products, targeting the individuals, disseminating the merits of products and attracting peeled ones. The company also uses bill rooms, sign boards, print publications, brochures, magazines, printing success stories in the newspaper and forming partnership with another(prenominal) famous organizations to boost selling and asseverate an elative face before the public. Recently the company was ranked as a Britian go along Employer and recognized as a great place for field on the root of following catalyst characteristics performance recognition last, friendliness, team plow, career progression, emergence and development opportunities.MANAGING THE MARKETING EFFORTApart from being good at mark eting, KFC pays significant vigilance to management that includes in depth market analysis, planning, implementation and control. The company gathers lot of information about the market to analyze whether the window of chance is opened for their products before actually marketing products to the target market. The company scratch develops marketing oriented mission statement, then develop strategical plan for products, services, brands and target markets. After thorough consideration and planning the company turns plan into actions.ENVIRONMENTAL analysisThe environmental or PEST analysis is used to assess the industry in which the company is operating and is used in conjunction in SWOT summary to find out major opportunities or threats facing company. The company can use such techniques to examine the internal or international forces affecting their ability to provide superior value to customers at a fair price. The pest analysis of the KFC is as underPOLITICALKFC has partn ered with several(prenominal) regimen and non- governing organizations to effectively circumvent barriers influencing to deliver premium value tocustomer. Many consumers and environmental groups have raised their voice against disruptive food giants providing junk and unhealthy food to consumers. Critics intimate that hamburgers, French fries, fried chicken etc are high in fat and coarseness. The government has also restricted the fast food giants not to market the food to under age groups and regulated the companies to modify their product menu that doesnt contri simplye to subject area obesity epidemic. Critics feel that fast food companies are harming consumer health and providing fat food. Recently KFC signed up to the authoritiess Public Health Responsibility Deal, promising to include calories on menu boards.The company will also be creation a Lighten Up world-class at point of sale by offering customers an opportunity to lighten up their meals for free or by swapping a stiff drink to diet, and fries for maize or beans saving up to 295 calories. The company was also the first-year QSR to introduce salad to the menu and to stop salting its fries, and eliminated artificial trans fats in 2007 by removing hydrogenated vegetable oils from its menu. Furthermore, a salt reduction programme launched in 2005 has so far cut salt by up to 40% across the menu. The company has adopted fair trade practices e.g having the culture of equal opportunity employment, minority rights, accurately declaring business income, paying taxes. In fall in states provender and Drug administration, Consumer product gumshoe commission set safety standards for the products and punish companies failing to meet them.ECONOMICThe management keeps an eye on ongoing economic events so that the company isnt abnormal by economic volatilities or uncertainties. The company most monitors per capita income of consumers in different regions, ongoing inflation affecting buying beha vior and exchange rates limiting their ability to obtain or import frame arrive at from suppliers. The company gathers all that information to tip from labour market imperfections in the supranational arena and from expanded opportunity rationale. brotherlyThe company deploys Societal marketing in order to maintain the equilibrium among consumer short-run wants and long-term welfare the company has established strict guidelines for portraying a favourable public image andto sustain brand recognition. KFC is a company that satisfies the needs of the target market by doing whats best for them in the longer run? To book the concerns of consumers and environmental groups the company has interpreted different initiatives to look after health and safety issues of their employees and customers in particular. Recently the company introduced Brazer (non-fried, griddled range, to consistently improve the nutritional profile of their menu (products), to fulfil promises made about health and to cut deplete the aim of saturated fat.The company has also done partnership and signed memorandums with other organizations to look after public health issues. Recently the company was ranked as a Britain top employer and as a pleasant place to work for individuals. The company executive disclosed that the company provides advancement opportunities to individuals on merit and encourages team work and individual participation. The company established environmental leadership council in 2006, became a element of Considerate Contractor Scheme and without delay working with Carbon assumption to reduce expertness emissions. The company has also taken initiatives for reducing light speed footprints, making effective use of internal resource e.g water, electrical energy etc. The company has also formed alliance with environmental defence system to handle solid waste and maintain environmentally favourable image.TECHNOLOGICALThe company is operating in a chop-chop changing environment creating new opportunities and posing threats. The new engineering creates new opportunities but the of replenishment new engineering science is ever so high. The company is aware about the cost of ignoring new technology and its side cause as well. KFC is a company that keeps with the proficient changes and refines its product menu on weak basis. Such changes have resulted in more higher research and development costs due to the complex nature of the technology the marketers and consumers must have technical receipt how.SWOT compendiumSWOT ANALYSIS is the acronym of Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity and threat is a strategic tools used by the company to analyze the circumstances in which the company is operating. Strengths and Weaknesses are the internalfactors on which the organization has come control where as Opportunities and threats are the external uncontrollable factors.Strengths of KFC* Favourable public image and Brand Equity* Second largest fast food supplier after Macdonalds* orbiculate Existence* Nominal Prices* Customer thingmajig* Professional certifications and awards* Proactive management* Britains top employer and great place to work* Flexible Franchising bringing considerable revenue* Customer Equity* Organizational cultureWeaknesses of KFC* High labour turnover* throw away food* Same taste twice* Lack of innovation* Cultural shock of two titans namely Pepsi and KFC* Hygienic food problems as one of the outlet in America was declared rat infectedOpportunities for KFC* Rapidly changing economy and ball-shaped trends* increase demand for convenient food* Pursue Conglomerate Diversification for health conscious people * Increased sort* Global market imperfections* Expanded opportunity rationaleThreats for KFC* Saturated Market* Increased Competition* Rapidly changing technology* Legal legislations and political regulations* internationalist political chaos* Low variety* handiness of substitute products* Threat of n ew entrants* talk terms Power of Customers* Lack of competitive intelligence agency* Health and safety concerns* Environmental and Government RegulationsANSOFFS PRODUCT MARKET elaborateness GRIDIt is a portfolio mangement tool for identfying growth opportunities through market penetration, market development, product development and diversification. The model is render asSince its inception the company has used different tactics in order to lallygag around in the international market to market their products to domestic, national and international consumers. diversificationIn 1930 the Harland Sanders opened his first restaurant in Corbin in front of spatter station.PRODUCT readingIn 1937 Sanders judgeship & Caf added a motel and expanded the restaurant to 142 seats.MARKET PENETRATION, PRODUCT AND MARKETDEVELOPMENTIn 1960 Colonels hard work on the road begins to pay off and there were 190 KFC franchisees and 400 franchise units in the U.S. and Canada. In 1964 Kentucky Fried C hicken had more than 600 franchised outlets in the United States, Canada and the first oversea outlet, in England. In 1971 the company had more than 3,500 franchises and restaurants oecumenical when Heublein Inc. acquired KFC Corporation. At the end of 1979 the company had There are approximately 6,000 restaurants worldwide with sales of more than$2 billion.PRODUCD DEVELOPMENT AND DIVERSIFICATIONIn 2007 KFC introduced a new recipe that keeps the Colonels 11 herbs and spices and finger-lickin flavor, but contains Zero Grams of Trans Fat per serving thank to new cooking oil. In 2008 The Colonel had a new look KFC updated one of the most recognized, respected and beloved brand icons with a new logo. The new logo depicted Colonel Sanders with his signature string tie but replaced his classic white double-breasted pillowcase with a red apron typify the home-style culinary heritage of the brand and reminded customers that KFC is always in the kitchen cooking delicious, high-quality, i mpudently prepared chicken by hand, just the way Colonel Sanders did 50 years ago.MARKET DEVELOPMENT AND DIVERSIFICATIONIn 2009 KFC introduced Kentucky barbecued Chicken a better resource for health conscious consumers to care for their long run welfare in order to capture the entire stream of purchases they would make for the rest of their life. Kentucky Grilled Chicken had less calories, fat and sodium than KFCs master key Recipe chicken, without sacrificing the great taste of KFC.PRODUCT DEVELOPMENTIn 2011 the company launched first ever non-fried range the Brazer that is is a lighter, great-tasting alternating(a) to KFCs existing menu, and includes three new items a burger, a Twister (a tortilla wrap) and a salad, each of which are lower in calories (by up to 60%), fat (by up to 87%), saturated fat (by up to 82%) and salt (by up to 45%) than regular menu items. The company has been exploitation the Ansoffs product market elaborateness grid by introducing the existing produ cts internationally, providing halaal food to different communities opening new market and needs to be satisfied, by modifying the nutritional profile of their menu and by slightly changing the cooking ingredients at times. guest dealingHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) AT KFC concord to Philip Kotler (2007) customer relationship management is an art of structure and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior value and satisfaction. KFC has veritable an huge databaseabout their customers in order to train touchpoints where they can deliver superior value and maintain profitable relationship with the customers. The major reason for the success of KFC is their ability to offer products having highest customer perceived value and exceed the customer perceived value. another(prenominal) reason of such a phenomenol success is the capability to market products whose perceived performance normally exceeds customers expectations. Beyond offering high quality products the company has designed several customer loyalty and holding programs by rewarding customers on normal purchases.The company also uses Selective kin Managment by undertaking customer profitability analysis where overall motive is to weed out loosing customers and target winning ones for pampering. The company creates profitable customers by providing exceptional quality products and delivering customer oriented superior value. The company knows that losing a single customer means losing the entire stream of purchases the customer would make over the entire lifetime. The firms leverages CRM to offer great variety to customers in order to increase the make out of customers rather than the market share. KFC examines its relationship with social values, responsibilities and the Earth that sustains it.Recently the company announced to cut the use of plastic by 17% and foam by 62% for the year 2011. The social business and environmental movements have placed even strict demands on the company. As KFC is a forward looking company so it readily accepts the responsibility to the world and people around it. The company views such actions as an opportunity to do well by delivering good (new slogan of the company is So Good). The company compares the opportunity cost of its actions against the long interests of the customers and communities. The company has also taken initiatives towards Data Protection and Privacy Issues to curb the misuse, scam or phishing.PUBLIC RELATIONS AT KFCPublic relation is an art of managing communication between the organization and the public with an objective to create and maintain affectionate public image. KFC uses different communication tools for building awareness about their products and for preserving socially image in the marketplace for their products and services. The company deploys many equity orperceived value and dent the spirit of the organization in the market. All the efforts are aimed at serving the public to underst and the company and its products in more depth. The company sends mystery shoppers to different outlets to unveil defects in service or product. The company also gathers a lot of information about the customers and different topics of their interests to leverage relationship for building a strong public image.Apart from using different media in order to influence the public the comany also deploys lobbying, printing success stories in the newspaper, launching products, posting particular achievements online and by sponsoring UN HUNGER FOOD PROGRAM for providing food to needy people. Recently the company was nominated as the great place to work for individuals and was awarded an award of Britain Top Employer. Such measures play critical role in achieving a competitive edge, attracting high calibre individuals, creating and delivering superior customer value moreover defend the well being of the company in the time of crisis.Yum Brands which is the parent of KFC has formed an livin g organism Welfare Advisory Council whose role is to get information and advice based on applicable scientific research. The company also obtains haughty headlines in the media by present the load to the environment and by productively (efficiently, frugally) using the natural resources. In 2010 the company introduced fast food reusable container. The corporate insurance is to reduce the usage of non-renewable resources, cut humble the use of Styrofoam and carbon foot prints. In that respect the company is using the concept of Subsistence Economy. The company has also developed guidelines, limitations, and rules (restrictions) for the suppliers in the broiler industry. The company is also proud to be a prominent fraud in the collaborative effort conducted by National Council of Chain Restaurants and the food trade Institute in developing house-to-house guidelines for all species of farm animals. The company has also implemented programs in the area of poultry care and hand ling.The company has initiated partnership with Barnardos, the UKs biggest charity supporting children and young people to address the issue of younker unemployment. The company is backing the United Nations World Food Programme against world hunger by raising over half a million pounds last year thats about 3.35 million meals forchildren in some(prenominal) of the poorest regions of the world. The company is also implementing the concept of product liability where the manufacturer is responsible for the untimely product or any redress made by the product to the consumer. In the past the companies were sued, dragged in court and evicted on ignoring the product liability obligations.For instance when considering the tragical tampering case in which viii people died from swallowing cyanidelaced capsules of Tylenol a Johnson & Johnson brand. The company knew that the pills were altered in some stores not in the factory so it stubborn to recollect all of its products. The total recall cost was $240 million in hire but in the longer run such initiative strengthened customers confidence, trust and loyalty in the company. It shows the importance of managing public relations in crisis to preserve the favourable image of the organization. KFC bought the best quality chicken from UK Farms that meet wild Tractor Standards.The company has decided to cut the level of saturated fat by 25%, use of plastic by 17%, use of Styrofoam by 62% and invested 1 million annually on regenerate palm oil with rape seed oil. The company also provides all the nutrition information on the internet so that the consumers are aware about their calorie intake and has reduced the use of salt on menu board. All these initiatives show the dedication of the company towards protecting the long-run welfare of the community and customers. The company was recently conferred with an honorary award of Carbon Trust Standard for continued CO2 reduction. In 2009 the company opened first eco-store with spectacular energy saving features.CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS base on primary and secondary research it can be deduced that the company has taken best initiatives to build strong public image, influence people buy their products by effectively leveraging the selective relationship management and in improving work place practices from employment and production perspective. As the study suggests that the company knows the overall impact of its operations on Environment, health of the consumer and reputation of the organization. So it has taken measures to curb the environmental pollution by decreasing the use of plastic and Styrofoam,reducing calories, saturated oil and fats in the food by replacing palm oil with rape seed oil, reducing salt, providing nutrition information to the consumers, obtaining high quality chicken from british farms and by modifying the nutritional profile of the menu on consistent basis. As suggested in in front part of analysis the company is also f unding the United Nations World Food Hunger Program, joined charity in order to help the unemployed youth and reducing the use of non-renewable resources to certain extent by building eco-stores with some energy saving features.The company is making a significant contribution in the well being of the society and in preserving the natural climate by reducing carbon footprints. All these initiatives are the premium examples of how organizations create and maintain profitable customer relationship by using public relations, societial marketing and customer relationship management. When observed from the business perspective the company is operating within a extremely saturated market not showing any signs growth for the future. The company can increase the share of their customers by closely analyzing the other heathenish values and perceptions. As the company is operating worldwide it can add new products to menu board by undertaking global cultural research analysis and consequentl y creating superior customer values shaped by consumers needs, wants and demands by observing culture.Based on my own judgement it seems like companys policy is to sell everything to everyone. They should focus on particular segment of the market, closely analyze their needs, carefully select the customers and deliver superior customer value to capture back the value in return. As United Kingdom is the untaught with rich diversity so all these issues should be taken into consideration when creating superior customer value, selecting the appropriate communication channel for positioning the product or targeting the customer, crafting an effective message for the public for communicating the merits of the product and designing loyalty scheme.In analysis it has been discovered that the company hasnt been able to develop customer loyalty and retention programs beyond offering consistently high value and satisfaction. Now a old age companies offer frequency marketing programs whereby th ey reward customers for buying more or in bulk. For instance airline companies offer frequent flier programs, hotels provide room upgrades to regular guests and supermarkets give patronage discount to important customers. KFC isntimplementing such schemes to reward customers for their loyalty and commitment. 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